Faq : Ethical FontStructing : Comments

When commenting on FontStructions please be considerate of other users in particular the designer of the FontStruction. 

Please DO NOT:

  1. Spam. i.e. post links to products and projects which are irrelevant to the FontStruction.
  2. Pester other FontStructors to change their licenses. (Respect their licensing decisions).
  3. Post images to which you do not own the copyright or when you are unsure whether they are free to use.
  4. Use bad language.
  5. Chat or banter about things which have nothing to do with the FontStruction.
  6. Post links to your own designs unless they are directly relevant to the FontStruction.
  7. Post any links without a very clear and explicit indication of where they lead.

Please DO:

Try and be constructive in your criticism, even if you don't like a piece of work.

If you are persisently rude or inconsiderate, your commenting priveleges will be downgraded and/or removed.

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