musical expression

by wicci

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This typeface converts your typing into musical notes. The idea is very simple and can create realistic looking sheet music. The font includes upper and lower case letters and numbers together with a treble-cleft with a time signature, a hash sign, dividing bars, an end bar and a double end bar.

Write your message on your word processor. You will need to use 48pt to have all the five staves showing up so keep your message short :)

Start each sentence with a treble-cleft which is the "&" key on your keyboard, it also adds a 4/4 time signature for authenticity. Upper case letters show as double notes, lower case and numbers as single notes. Numbers should be written with a comma "," between them eg:1,2,3 etc 10,11,12 etc 100,101,102. The comma inserts a short length of blank staves.

Now ...... comes the fun !  Count four notes and press the "!" key. This will place a barline vertically across the staves (the five horizontal lines on which the notes are written). Repeat this every 4 notes until you reach the end of the line then press the "." key. You must end with a full 4 note bar even if this leaves a space at the right margin. At the beginning of the next line press the "&" key to insert a new treble-cleft. Count 4 notes then the "!" key etc .... Repeat this process until you reach the end of your message, finish with a "."

Use this type face as a cipher to send secret messages which can be easily read by the recipient if they have this typeface on their computer. To anyone else this will appear to be sheet music.*° It can also be used to convert poems into a musical score, to rewrite the music of simple songs, word for word, or to compose original music. I am sure you will be able to find other uses also. Have fun ;) 

Actually it won't appear as sheet music as I had hoped because the computer receiving the message will use its default font to print out the message if this font is not installed. That applies to all so called code fonts ... what a shame!


How very clever ! I will try this very soon to write a 'love song' thankyou !

Comment by La police de caractère 7th december 2016

This is great. You'll find a few other efforts in this direction in the gallery: Maybe you should tag this e.g. with “Music” or ”Notation” so people can find it more easily. If you want to send it in an email or message, I guess you could make an image with it and send that. 

Comment by Rob Meek (meek) 8th december 2016

Thank you Mr. Meek for your comments. An image would work but the receiver would have to translate the information manually which would be very time consuming. It is a shame there is no other way to use a code font that can only be read by the recipiant. I have added tags as you suggested. Thank you again.

Comment by wicci 12th december 2016

Good idea! This way people don't have to find an external source to copy and paste musical notes into say, Word. They can just download this font and use it. Great job and very creative. 10/10

Comment by zellamsee 13th december 2016

I absolutely love this! See what this picture means.

Comment by zellamsee 13th december 2016

Dear zellamsee, translation reads :

Great   idea
Great   font

Thank you for your compliments


Comment by wicci 14th december 2016

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