
by Magic Sam
Cloned from Afrobeat Regular by Magic Sam.

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A new member of the Afro-family is born: Afroblack, another version of Afrobeat without any horizontal lines. Although I changed only a couple of details it has a very different feeling. Take a look at the example! I´m not sure about the numbers, probably a few of them have need to be reworked. What do you think?


Comment by Magic Sam 15th october 2009
Wow! Thank you for providing a wonderful demo pic, so we can fully appreciate Afroblack. I like the whole family. 10/10
Comment by Frodo7 15th october 2009
Thanks a lot, Frodo! As I wrote before, I'm still very uncertain about the numbers and a couple of the UC letters. If you have any suggestions, just let me now.
Comment by Magic Sam 16th october 2009
Well, a few of your glyphs made me pause: "f" - I thought it was a bit top heavy; "j,i" - the dot was far too big, etc. But then, they fit nicely to the whole set and contribute to its character. So just leave them as they are. The "T" is a bit funny, but unique, a kind of inventive. Te only thing I would change is number "1": a single column would do, with a rounded top left corner (the mirror of the lc "l"). One can easily mistake it for number 7, if there are no 7s in the text. Put "Stencil" in the tags to help the search engines.
Comment by Frodo7 16th october 2009
I agree with the ring bearer, the stencil tag totally applies to this beauty. Plus I'm marveled on how you kept the width consistency along the T without making thinner blocks for the crossbar.
I totally dig this creative streak of yours.
Keep'em coming, Sam!
Comment by cayo 17th october 2009
Black is sure beautiful ... a real FunkStruct
Comment by p2pnut 17th october 2009
GREAT! 10/10
Comment by Sergio Berkenbrock (gray.scale) 29th october 2009

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