I make Sonic fonts so OK.
i also make other fonts
Fontstructing since | 18th December, 2017 |
Fontstructions | 47 shared, 4 staff picks |
Shared Glyphs | 5112 |
Downloads | 4293 downloads made of this designer’s work |
Comments Made | 63 |
Fix of Cuben’s VCR Display font.
This is a clone of VCR DisplayGood luck typing with this font
This is a clone of Pushing LimitsEdge of the Galaxy, a font where no man has gone before.
Inspired by the Star Trek logo and the font Horizon by Bitstream, This font follows a slant design to work as a space age corporate font. It's also super tight, for use on display and posters.
"Game over! Grrrrghhhhhhh!" -Vibri, Vib-Ribbon
Vibri is a font based on Vib-Ribbon's text. There's already a font for the logo, but none for the actual text. So I took it to myself to remake it. It was pretty complicated with the compisites and all, but I finished, and it looks great!
I read an article on Bulgarian Cyrillic so I made this real quick
This is a clone of Feels Like NostalgiaADD TO GAME CREATIONS SET
I literally had to rip the sprites myself because the rip on TSR is missing... well, EVERYTHING.
Edit: holy crap i didn't know BlueYoshiN64 was already doing this so i added Solid to the name
A font themed after geometric fonts like Handel Gothic.
Please check out the fontspace version: https://www.fontspace.com/feels-like-nostalgia-font-f41665
Update - Added Cyrillic since everyone loves this font
Recreation of the in-game font used for the Tokyo 64 console from "Mario and Sonic at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games". Why is it 7:10 rather than 7:7?
Also, how come the Japanese version has more accurate looking text?
A more true to the original version of Funky Neue
This is a clone of Funky NeueA bolder variant of Mailship I.
This is a clone of Mailship IA condensed version because i was bored
While I was watching the Mario Maker Direct, I noticed that the text now had lowercase. So I studied the UK version to get all the characters (except for 'f').
Update 1 (06/25): I found 'f' in some gameplay footage that was released
Update 1.5 (07/01): The 7 in the promotional art from SMM1 is now the official 7 for the font. Beginning work on accents.
Update 2 (07/26): Updated a, e, f, j, and z. Also fixed the 7. This is probably the most accurate it can get for now.
Update 3 (08/26): Recently I discovered that the bottoms of g and y are slightly shorter that the full length. I also found out that the k has a slight inverse effect so I fixed that. I also adjusted some wierd looking letters.
Update 4 (09/02): I was making something with this font, then realized the slashes were off, I modeled them off of the clear condition slash.
Update 5 (09/07): the ? was actually correct before whoops. I also found out there is a real ampersand in the game.
Update 6 (09/28): This project is moving to letters not possible in fonstruct so I will put a new download link here soon.
This is a clone of Super Mario Maker Extended