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I've remade previous AT Sour Love by adding serifs, it fits better for this 45 degree rotated heart. But as previous one, the downloaded font still has rendering issues despite my attempts, most bricks located at lower serifs change into other brick for some unkown reason. Holes in hearts were removed cause they too have rendering issues when downloaded.
I tried some similar to this Comp, but with very poor results, obviously. I like your glyphs, compañero.
Thank you Mr. Meek for this 100th Top Pick! Also big thanks for TP-ing all Lovecomp entries and Giveaway #5, always appreciated.
Congrats on your first 100s! Good works!
Chrisite Treen -- Linda Granicy
Chrisite Treen -- Linda Granicy
Chrisite Treen -- Linda Granicy
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