
by funk_king

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Comment by funk_king 1st december 2008
Wonderful work. You are a one man type foundry. Does anyone know who is credited with designing the most typefaces? I remember reading that Goudy was prolific. His Wikipedia entry lists his output at 122 typefaces. That's 52 less than Funk King.
Comment by afrojet 1st december 2008
mr. busy!
i just mentioned this before, but i think NOONE did more fonts than you!

very cool
Comment by kix 3rd december 2008
btw... that font is quite a msterpiece as well.
definitely one of your best!
Comment by kix 3rd december 2008
And it's a stroke of inspiration having the between daisies.
Comment by intaglio 3rd december 2008
Ah, the Funkmaster can make 'em purty too.
Comment by geneus1 5th december 2008
The proportions on these characters are spot on. Look how well the e and s line up. It's sublime!
Comment by nemoorange 6th december 2008
thanks. this was another fun one. nice and easy. sometimes i surprise myself :)
Comment by funk_king 9th december 2008
Very pretty "between-daisies". You continue to be the most innovative and prolific FS designer. 10/10

PS: BTW, someone, or some five has given you 1.0. It seems that trolls are not very fond of daisies.
Comment by Frodo7 19th october 2009
Cute at first sight, but truly beautiful when you take some time to appreciate. Your solution for the U is a really good idea. Just one tiny detail I would change : the loop of the ? may be lowered a little more. I know you wanted to bring it into line with the lc x-height, but the glyph looks a little bit compressed as it is.
Comment by igorrossi 19th october 2009
thanks, ir. the glyph has been updated. you also reminded me to check and change my license on this :)
Comment by funk_king 19th october 2009
my bad, frodo. where are my manners :( thank you for your remarks. i greatly appreciate and respect your words. i think you more than any FSer, really exhibit the spirit and passion that makes this site more than just a site. not only is your talent truly abundant and vital, but you have an amazing heart. thanks for being here :)
Comment by funk_king 20th october 2009
You're twice welcome funk_king. I read Frodo's post
Comment by igorrossi 20th october 2009
... lately, and I felt so sad that I decided to get more involved in the community, even if I've not been fontstructing for a while. But I like your font so much that I didn't have to make an effort to do so.
Comment by igorrossi 20th october 2009

Just want to say - I love your work, this fontstruct especially!  I went to give you a 10/10, but somehow I suspect my vote counted as a 1, because the average changed drastically down to 4.95 - I've tried to change it again, but no apparent luck.  Anyway - it's a mistake rather than a troll vote, you have such great work & everything to be proud of.  Thank you for sharing.

Comment by grandhike 2nd july 2016

Please do not request download access or license changes in the comments.You will lose future commenting priveleges, and risk having your FontStruct account deleted, if you do so. Read more.

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