The designer of this FontStruction has chosen not to make it available for download from this website by choosing an “All Rights Reserved" license.
Please respect their decision and desist from requesting license changes in the comments.
If you would like to use the FontStruction for a specific project, you may be able to contact the designer directly about obtaining a license.
Very stressful assembly of bricks, I thought I would not finish it on time. Uff! Some glyphs are still expecting to be included in the font. WIP, and kerning.
Very stressful assembly of bricks, I thought I would not finish it on time. Uff! Some glyphs are still expecting to be included in the font. WIP, and kerning.
Very stressful assembly of bricks, I thought I would not finish it on time. Uff! Some glyphs are still expecting to be included in the font. WIP, and kerning.
Sorry for the duplicate samples, please.
How did you make the samples without downloading the font?
This font is beautiful. It moves me and fills my heart with joy. I love it.
Beautiful and very useful!
a strong contender! it fits the competition theme excellently
Your Capital M seems to have a sharp bend... *touches bottom of M* Ouch!
Awesome font. Very original idea, love it!
A new take on stencil fonts with eye-catching glyphs.
@jonrgrover, architaraz, Poiqz, SymbioticDesign and four: Thank you veeeeery much dear compañeros for your ever kind words and appreciative comments, you blush me.
@Se7enty-Se7en: To make samples, sometimes I use screen captures.
Possibly my favorite entry of them all. For me, the stencil breaks give it a bit of a military-like demeanor, while still being playful, like the rounded pieces of a child's jigsaw puzzle. The unconventional areas of contrast and filled counters help to give it that extra bit of flavor that marks it as one of your designs. Hope to see this in the winners tomorrow :-)
Thanks for the kind comment, ETH. Good luck to you too.
@meek: Thank you very much for this new TP and for keeping the flame of the Competitions in FS lit, dear chief.
Congratulations elmoyenique, it is beautiful how these unusual shapes slot together to form glyphs.
¡Muchas gracias, mi querido y siempre admirado compañero! Thank you very much, my dear and always admired compañero!
Congrats, this was one of my favorite entries!
This reminded me of the plastic stencils I used to get as a kid. Instant nostalgia and instant favorite. I'm so glad it won.
@meek: Dear boss, some troubles here. I can't see the front image of my fonts. I add a sample using Chrome and Firefox in Mac. What's happens? Is this the first hot of summer?
It tooks waiting a lot of time and it's not appears finally.
Working on it!
Thank you veeery much, boss! It works perfectly now, as usual.
@Yautja & thalamic: Thanks a lot, compañeros!
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