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the study of crop (or cropt) circles :) some of these appear in ornaments. when i did that one, i felt many of the designs reminded me of crop circles. so i added a few more :) i've done a couple of other crop circle fonts. but it kind of seems natural to make crop circles out of circles (dots), doesn't it? i have also tried to show the progression of similar designs by trying to keep/group them together, but there are some strays here and there :)
W--O--W just °o° and 11/10
W--O--W just °o° and 11/10
W--O--W just °o° and 11/10
Congratulations on the TP. Great illustration, ecluniverso :)
thank you Aeolien i wonder why something like this would interest you? :) maybe you can translate some of it for me (:~ | thanks, Dmitriy - you should have more pink stars :) | thanks, ecluniverso - thanks for the pic - not ready to try that one :) put more stuff out there, you have some interesting different styles
@F-K: circles represent life, the year, the universe, completeness, perfection, protection, mystery; I'd love to write meditative texts with this.
Really great work. I think these crop circles could also make a wonderful gif animation. I can see those UFO's taking off already...
i really like how abstract your fonts are
haha. you made be laugh :) thanks. nice job.
thanks four and thank you for making the suggestion. aeolien, try a few and let's see please :) thanks, joshbrandt
Ecluniverso is lifting off into the galaxies :D but then, this font is made for it ... F-K, when I have my pc back I'll try to invent something, another 2 or 3 weeks (sorry for the delay).
@ecluniverso: wow, amazing!
What resolution is this font?
one of them looks like a yin yang
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