The designer of this FontStruction has chosen not to make it available for download from this website by choosing an “All Rights Reserved" license.
Please respect their decision and desist from requesting license changes in the comments.
If you would like to use the FontStruction for a specific project, you may be able to contact the designer directly about obtaining a license.
I designed this font and I wanted to break the rules of symmetry. This font is completely made of asymmetry and that's the beauty of it.
@Rob Meek (meek) Thanks so much!!!
Low-res in pixels, square with rectangles and lines, asymmetrically bold, all caps, I like it!
You might want to move your first comment to the field (where it's currently written: “No description provided”). And if you have the time, the visitors would enjoy a creative 'sample' image of yours as a replacement (thus visible at the top of your font page)…
You were successful in fontstructing an unusual pixel font, it shows many creative ideas and is so different from other pixel fonts. Congratulations on your first TP!
@Mahir Islam (mahir) - This is very reminiscent of the blocky typefaces used in early Williams Electronic video arcade games (Defender, Robotron: 2084). However, your implementation of assymetry makes this one all your own. Congratulations on the Top Pick. :^)
Here is a sample of my font ;D
BTW thanks everyone for the support!!
@Goatmeal Thanks ;D
I've checked out the video game font, it does look similar but my font wasn't based upon anything.
@Aeolien Thanks!
@dpla Thanks for the tip! I have moved it to the description so anyone can see.
Cool! *laugh*: now we need someone to hack the original games! (or to fake a few screenshots…)
Another general piece of information: the description text is also visible inside the downloaded font file itself. (E.g. via BabelMap > Fonts > Font Analysis Utility (F7) > Font Info > Font description.) So that you can place whatever precision you need to be 'indelible'/'hidden'…
Unusual pixel font and a good sample to show the unusual symmetry.10/10
@Scriptoresque Thanks :D
Welcome to Fontstruct! This font has an exciting look and the sample is perfect for it. It's impressive that you earned your first TP quite soon after you joined FS, well done and congratulations.
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