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Deceptively simple.
This fontstruction was made possible by several fontstruct special capabilities: connecting brick, brick stacks, custom bricks, and nudge. Out of 68 bricks used, only the full square brick is from the available bricks; the remaining 67 bricks are all modified in some way or another.
3 bricks tall.
besides the square, what are the other bricks
@ Brynda: be an explorer,trailblazer,original;don't copy special brick shapes! Inspiration is in buildings,old books,designs,fashion,music,food,family... sketch your ideas and FontStruct them into a life to share :)
Only three bricks high? That's impressive.
@Aeo, Just curious ...
Ok Brynda :)
@Sketchbook B: Sometimes it is better to let the letters be how they want to be and sometimes the letters have to be forced to be how they should be. Thanks.
Thanks, Rob.
wow how did you make such bricks?
Because once the custom brick was constructed, there was no need to nudge or manipulate or stack it in any way other than just placing it in a grid block. This allowed that the custom brick could be flipped, rotated or flipped as well as roatated. Therefore, instead of creating unnecessary rotated or flipped versions of custom bricks, only one instance of brick was created and flipped or rotated as needed, saving as many as 7 additional custom bricks.
While creating the sample above, I found a few unnecessary bricks that could have been avoided. I will go update the fs to do away with those as well.
The © copyright symbol was most difficult to get right just by stacking original or custom bricks. The top right quadrant of the same hardest to get right. Glad it worked out in the end.
oh. if I experiment, maybe i can make advanced bricks.
Congratulations on theTP :) I'm in awe, this is beautiful and so very useable.
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