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I created this font in replacement of the Atemayar font already out there. I do not take credit for creating this alphabet.

The current fonts out there use curves for the horizontal diagonal lines, whereas I have decided to use rigid, straight lines. This may make it easier for users to read and write since the lines and angles are slightly more distinct.

Comment by bry_guy27 4th august 2017
Comment by bry_guy27 4th august 2017
Comment by bry_guy27 4th august 2017

I have extended the alphabet to be used for many more latin accents (primarily ones used to write my constructed language, Kynaat)), as well as punctuation.

Included punctuation:

. (period), , (comma), “” " (quotation marks), ‘’ ' (apostrophe), ? (question mark), ! (exclamation point), @ (at symbol), _ (underscore), * (asterisk), # (number/pound sign), $ (dollar sign), % (percent symbol), & (ampersand), ( ) (parentheses), + (plus), - (minus/dash/hyphen), / (forward slash), : (colon), ; (semicolon), = (equals sign), \ (backwards slash), | (vertical line), ± (plus minus symbol), ¦ (broken line), ᠆ (soft hyphen), ° (degree symbol), — (em dash), … (horizontal ellipsis), „ (double low-9 quotation mark), ‚ (single low-9 quotation mark), ~ (tilde), © (copyright symbol), ® (registered symbol), ™ (trademark symbol), € (euro sign), ¢ (cent sign), £ (British pound sign), ¥ (yen/yuan sign), ¿ (inverted question mark), ¡ (inverted exclamation point), ÷ (division sign), × (multiplication sign), [ ] (square brackets), ª (feminine ordinal indicator), º (masculine ordinal indicator), ¹ (superscript 1), ² (superscript 2), ³ (superscript 3), ¼ (one fourth), ½ (one half), ¾ (three fourths), § (section indicator)

Included accented letters:

À, Á, Ã, Å, Æ, Č, Ď, Ð, È, É, Ê, Ě, Ì, Í, Î, IJ, Ł, Ň, Ñ, Ò, Ó, Ô, Õ, Ø, Ř, Š, Ť, Ù, Ú, Û, Ý, Ž, ß, Þ

To see how these letters appear, either clone this font so you may go into the editor, or copy that prompt. I have also added the letter X by ligaturing K and S together to form a new symbol.

Comment by bry_guy27 11th august 2017

can ĉ, ĝ, ĥ, ĵ, ŝ, & ŭ be added for Esperanto?

Comment by tsafontstruct 28th april 2020

Tsafontstruct, I believe I included those characters in my Atemayar (Rigid Script) Extended where I included plenty of extra characters for Latin. While that font is still not complete for the extra glyphs (such as Thai glyphs), I do believe it will meet your needs for those characters.

Comment by bry_guy27 28th april 2020

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