The designer of this FontStruction has chosen not to make it available for download from this website by choosing an “All Rights Reserved" license.
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this was created on 11/4/2017...
Nice use of the square connecters.
Very very nice indeed. The Christmas tree is a nice touch. Why so long in the making? I was hoping to turn my AF Cableguynium into something similar, but I don't think mine will be a patch on yours. Great work.
Biline version of the font...
Finally a good example why we needed those bricks.
This is awesome! Admittedly, this is the exact kind of thing I was trying to accomplish and never could. I guess I am feeling a little stupid, right now. But at least you just proved it can be done and I should take another look at the problem, if I ever get the time again.
which letter is the Christmas tree?
/, :, ;, <, =, >, [, \, ], ^, `, {, |, and }
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