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This font and tm Byte started off as one. Both were different from what they have now become. The idea was to create a very heavy, minimal curves and angles to give a sense of the glyph.
It started with a plain N and a solid O. Making the E match either the N or the O resulted in deviation from the style just enough that it warranted a spin-off into a font of it's own.
Some letters—such as G and H—proved quite difficult to match in the style of either. A slight angle shift resulted in a glyph that did not go with other glyphs. I kept trying different possibilities...and at some point decided to save the discarded option into another fs, which now contains more than 200 characters.
The teardrop counter in tm Byte forced a complete redraw of all glyphs at about 2× the size.
I am already working on two additional fonts that came out of this exercise...and it might yield more.
tm Nibble is 16 bricks tall...
Congrat, master!
-s, ?
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