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@intaglio and @p2pnut Your support is always very much appreciated.
I forgot to include the alternate M in the sample. It's on the ~.
And seeing that the letters are wide anyway, the M could do with the 45degree angles. M is usually the second widest letter (W the widest...usually).
I love the serenity of the whole.
I don’t want to piss on your parade, but check out Museo.
After I finished, I looked at Museo and compared it to mine. While there are some obvious similarities, I feel the difference is plenty large and I'm not worried about it.
Thanks for noticing the detail. I did spend a lot of time on wife will attest to that! :)
Anyway, you did a good job there.
Thanks for the compliments.
The new M is as I suggested, but I may have led you astray. Feels off somehow. Maybe use the same steeper angles a you did before but separate the verts and diags a bit. (See Fig1). It's just to illustrate and lacks the fineness of your design. Just to give you an idea of what I mean. I think the double-A M works best. You've really done well here. And no need to say you spent time on it; the time spent working out the details is apparent enough. Say "Hi" to Mrs. Aphoria.
Kudos on the amount of characters in this. Even with all of its simplicity, this font must have taken you a long time. Solemn is a very interesting font to me, being straitforward yet intriguing at the same time. But if I may ask you to do something for me, please work a little bit more on the "J" and "K". Other than that, this font is smashing!
The name goes pretty well to it, too.
m, 7, 8, 9, ? and the @ between my favorites.
@cayo Thank you, much appreciated. I am pretty happy with m and @ too. I am really pleased with the c and C too. They are the first c's I've done that aren't symmetrical...or just o's with the right side cut open.
Updated: M J
Added: : ; / \ ' " “ ” ‘ ’ &
Removed: Alternate 2 and one of the alternate M's.
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