The designer of this FontStruction has chosen not to make it available for download from this website by choosing an “All Rights Reserved" license.
Please respect their decision and desist from requesting license changes in the comments.
If you would like to use the FontStruction for a specific project, you may be able to contact the designer directly about obtaining a license.
Taking advantage of the modular characteristics of the GunFight 8 Bit font (7x7 pixels), I have added concave bricks following the flow of the original style.
Work in progress.
Aprovechando las características modulares de la fuente GunFight 8 Bit (7x7 píxeles), he añadido ladrillos cóncavos siguiendo el flujo del estilo original.
Trabajo en progreso.
¡Ey! No hay dos sin tres. Esta también funciona muy bien. Hey! There are no two without three. This also works great.
cool font, do you want to make Cyrillic for it?
@Dmitriy Sychiov (Sychoff) Sure, but first I need to move the card symbols into their correct unicode cell, and add the dice symbols I've added to the original font. But if you're interested in cloning this FontStruction in its current state you can go ahead and add the Cyrillic characters.
Preview from the next Iteration of Gunfight S FS, where I make use of the option to create composite bricks to soften the corners of the letters.
Vista previa de la próxima iteración de Gunfight S FS, donde hago uso de la opción para crear ladrillos compuestos para suavizar las esquinas de las letras.
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