The designer of this FontStruction has chosen not to make it available for download from this website by choosing an “All Rights Reserved" license.
Please respect their decision and desist from requesting license changes in the comments.
If you would like to use the FontStruction for a specific project, you may be able to contact the designer directly about obtaining a license.
Preview of the Level font, with some adjustments to the Drawboard Text to be bolder
Linear B Syllabary will be added with glyphs being based on other known Pixel fonts with that unicode block support, with modifications
I really love this font!
Unicode 16 will also be added
unicode 16 has more than 65536 glyphs, therefore making it impossible to put it in a font.
@Digitalio-2 The Noto collection and Unifont managed to get around that limitation by utilizing multiple font files…
A subset of those glyphs will be added
Add superscripts for Armenian
Currently fixing up the block element and box drawing glyphs, in preparation for Symbols for Legacy Computing Supplement implementation
Symbols for Legacy Computing Supplement glyphs will be added at random. Outlined glyphs are in development
Fun fact: While the outlined digits are defined as decimal digits, the outlined letters are defined as symbols and not letters
All glyphs that were above/below the three pixel threshold of the the additional space after the top/baseline. Some were tweaked (Like most glyphs with two diacriticals). This means that the downloaded version can now be used with box drawing glyphs with lesser issues
Symbols for Legacy Computing Supplement coverage is finishing soon. 19 glyphs left for implementation
Fun Fact: (U+1CDFF) can also work well as a third frame for the speckle fills alongside (U+1CC46) and (U+1CC47)
@Bryndan W. Meyerhold (BWM) Good catch.
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