The designer of this FontStruction has chosen not to make it available for download from this website by choosing an “All Rights Reserved" license.
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cheers for the font:]
Allow me to offer a couple of suggestions to make C E and F seem less wide:
--Shift the E and F over to right a bit and add two vertical strokes on the left edge.
--Slide C over to right as well and add another curved stroke to the left.
These are only suggestions. The fontstruction is museum worthy in any case.
I think you should consider doing something with the I to make it more distinguished. The font is wonderfully legible except for where the I runs into clean vertical lines like an H on its left or an F on its right.
Maybe do something to distinguish the period more. As it is it looks almost exactly like the O, but just moved down a little bit.
The space really stands out. Maybe punctuation could be made to stand out as much (or nearly as much).
Personally I think you really should add all the basic punctuation. lowercase isn't too important with this kind of font but it would still be a nice addition..
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