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I've been wanting to do this kind of font for ages, think of it as a soft square or a hard circle. Since it's been so long, I can't really remember the exact source of inspiration, but I do remember it had something to do with kix and his work.
The ability to kern now has obviously made the spacing better than it would have been otherwise. Thanks, Rob.
Thank you, Rob.
Great work and so different from your other fonts...
Why is the underscore an M?
@CoolPenguin11 It's most likely an alternate m...
@Se7enty-Se7en but what if you wanted to add an actual underscore?
@CoolPenguin11 They could move the alternate M to another glyph slot...
Waylon, Willie, and Wu-Tang
Sorry, could you move the alternate glyphs to the Private Use Area? That's a more appropriate place to put them.
@Europe2048: He doesn't have to do that, the font is already finished, don't make more work for him.
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