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The letter forms are based on solid square, where each letter form is created by removing only what is necessary to identify the letter and retaining consistency between the other letterforms.


Comment by johndilworth 9th february 2010
An interesting result, especially the Uppercase which works so well in the sample. I'm not quite so sure about the lowercase.
Comment by p2pnut 9th february 2010
Yes, the lower case is sucking big time right now. originally, I was thinking of the lowercase as an alternative, but I think I need to work it into something that works together with the uppercase.
Comment by johndilworth 9th february 2010
Congratulations! FontStruct Staff have deemed your FontStruction worthy of special mention. “Cloaked Humanity” is now a Top Pick.
Comment by afrojet 17th february 2010
Simple and expressive design. I tend to agree with p2pnut on the lower case. It's not easy to produce a full set of lc letters within the same 5x5 grid, with no ascenders or descenders. Very nice demo pic. 10/10
Comment by Frodo7 21st february 2010
Congratulations! FontStruct Staff have deemed your FontStruction worthy of special mention. “Cloaked Humanity” is now a current Featured FontStruction.
Comment by afrojet 22nd february 2010
Very stylish. Crackin sample, very futuristic / UFO / Battlestar Galactic vibe.
Comment by djnippa 23rd february 2010
D should be more like:
Of course, that would make it like O, which could perhaps be:
Comment by m12 24th february 2010
I disagree D is fine, and O is cool. The defo don't need changin.
Comment by djnippa 28th february 2010
I've been working on a few variations of this one. I wanted to create a few styles that could work together and create different forms by overlapping different weights, etc. Here's a result - with the 4 new styles in the center, and variations around the edges.
Comment by johndilworth 1st march 2010
oh oh oh
Comment by 3r1c 4th march 2010
great font, thanks!
Comment by nialfo 6th march 2010
Seven nation army rocks! SO DOES THIS!
Comment by elliottheman 8th march 2010
Not diggin' the lowercase letters, but otherwise a great font; remember, when you're dealing with small pixel fonts that don't leave much room for modification, it's best to just use the upper-case glyphs as the lower-case ones. It feels like you were getting desperate to come up with ideas for the lower-case glyphs.
Comment by dev_squid 8th march 2010

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