Fade of the Second Generation

by TomoAlien

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Atari-Like font fading into nothingness. It's pretty small. Also the fade looks weird when writing with it. Yes, that's how it's supposed to look like.


Comment by TomoAlien 2nd may 2010
Nothing seems to stop you, your creative tank is in motion, you work fast and have some very interesting ideas on the road like this one. At pixel size it looks very weird, like if two paradoxal concepts had been genetically mixed : old videogame and vampiregoth styles.
But I think the K is too much close to the H. And also, you seem to have a problem with the spacing of the I. Try to play with the Letter Width command, and if it is not enough, try to displace your I on right or left until it looks at the right spacing
Comment by Abneurone Fluid Types 2nd may 2010
This font is monotypic, so the spaces between the letters are the same.
Also this font uses a 3x7 grid for letters (Not counting the fade) and it's streched so that 1 pixel is 3 bricks wide.
Comment by TomoAlien 3rd may 2010
Amazing effect at pixel level. I presume it's your original design. 10/10
Comment by Frodo7 8th may 2010

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