
by tp2-marriott

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Electrical Energy has opened the doors to whole new worlds of creativity, specifically when it comes to computer technology. The whole concept of video games and computer programming is something we wouldnt have dreamt of being able to do hundreds of years ago. With computer technology getting more advanced everyday, I find it astonishing to see what we have achieved since the very first computers and computer games, and it is mind boggling to think what we may be capable of doing in the future.


Congratulations! FontStruct Staff have deemed your FontStruction worthy of special mention. “Tetrominoes” is now a Top Pick.
Comment by Rob Meek (meek) 9th november 2010
great job. didn't realize you had used shading initially. i cloned to play with and noticed you have a stray brick in E. congrats.
Comment by funk_king 9th november 2010
Hey, Thanks, Ill get rid of that stray brick now, cheers for checkin it out!
Comment by tp2-marriott 9th november 2010
Gracias Por la fuente buena
Comment by JaimeCEY 21st december 2010
Gracias Por la fuente buena
Comment by JaimeCEY 21st december 2010

Incredible and mindblowing.

Comment by anonymous-1000937 30th december 2016

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