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I love this font... but it's hard to make a difference between a and e.
love rfy WG :)
Upixel is right that a and e are problem characters, but I am not sure it is because they are hard to distinguish from one another. You could add another serif to the top of the a, and while it works in this scheme, it has the strange effect of making a look like A laying on its side (cool or not depending on how you look at it, still it calls a lot more attention to itself). The e reads clearly to me, but its color is too dark.
You could keep the e as it is and make an a out of it by rotating 90° clockwise and flipping horizontally. Kinda cool that you could also make a by rotating e 180°.
@will.i.ૐ, @Upixel: Thank you also for your help.
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