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A 3x4 monospaced font that covers all Simple Latin, a little bit of More Latin, and basic Greek.


This type of font makes me... want to download it! :D
Comment by Drgrit 3rd march 2011
Comment by Logan Thomason (xenophilius) 3rd march 2011
Nice! A couple more 3x4 pixel fonts from the FontStruct archives to compare: Prog and djx Pixely
Comment by Rob Meek (meek) 3rd march 2011
Congratulations! FontStruct Staff have deemed your FontStruction worthy of special mention. “Simpole Mono” is now a Top Pick.
Comment by Rob Meek (meek) 3rd march 2011
AWESOME!!! My... what is this, third TP?
Comment by Logan Thomason (xenophilius) 3rd march 2011
Good job Logana! Danagan commends you
Comment by 3killgor3 4th march 2011
Lambda and Omega are the same? ;o
Comment by minidonut 16th october 2012
@minidonut: With such a small grid, one has to expect some ambiguity.
Comment by jimhv 16th october 2012
Good job.
BTW, about 'ambiguity'… tons of possibilities (as shown in the calculation below) allow a 3x4 font to be safe from any duplicate, even with both cases in basic Greek, believe me. (Besides, in 3x4, my lowercase were 3x3 mainly, i.e. baseline compliant ; the lowercase letters were smaller, of course, which requires a short learning curve.) So, your Greek characters are using several doubles from the Latin ? it's only a (big) problem in a reading/transmission per character, not always in a per-word mode. I mean, if you write/send "A" with this font, your recipient cannot always decipher the message because of the Greek duplicate (you need more info/context, else you get 50 % of risk of error). I enjoyed the effort in Greek, though personally, I'd prefer diacritics, even the complete CP1252 set.


Interesting grid in mind.

• Font name :
Grid size (max poss. glyphs)

• xe Simpole Mono :
3x4 px (2^12 = 4'096)

• Prog :
3x5 px (2^15 = 32'768)

• djx Pixely :
3x6 px (2^18 = 262'144
Comment by dpla 9th april 2013
Well, the Greek uppercase alpha is identical to Latin A and Cyrillic A, and many other possible glyphs may not resemble a glyph in Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, or etc, so the ambiguity is pretty much inevitable. Then there's the question of if the A in question written is mixed text or not, which if it is a long text, then the reader should be able to discern if it's Greek or English (unless they know not a word of the other).
Comment by Houlaiziaa 10th april 2013
It's right about the context/rules.

As far as I can remember, when I was drawing 3x4 Greek chrs, I slightly altered their form, so that they could not be mixed with their Latin substitutes anymore… which may not please Greek people BTW, of course…
Comment by dpla 18th april 2013

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