fs dot serif

by ETHproductions

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A serif font made of dots. Suggestions are welcome.

07/06/13-07/07/13 I went over the font and tidied it up. Adjusted spacing on letters like V and q, added or erased dots to letters such as a and f, made the tittles and such bigger, and refined letters like O and g. V1.2.0
10/01/13 More refining, more refining... Each time I come back, I see things that need improving. V1.3.0
12/19/13 My biggest update yet (literally). I've increased the circles' size from two to four units, making overshoots and much more possible. Every character has been reworked to fit the new size, and the font is now generally more condensed. V2.0
05/14/14 Tweaked many shapes with the nudge tool, and adjusted the 4 to have serifs and a lower crossbar. V2.1
05/17/14 Big edit today. A large portion of the lowercase, as well as some of the uppercase, has been narrowed to match the rest of the font.
05/21/14 M, N and accents updated a bit more.

09/27/18 Fixed the acute on ý (it was previously a grave).


Looks good, just needs some refining to make it more balanced. M/b/d/p/q look a bit narrow, and some curves could be better, like in C, S, 2. k's arm should be lower, and g might look better if the bottom loop is bigger than the top one. The space character could be wider too. Keep it up!
Comment by V. Sarela (Yautja) 22nd december 2012
@Yautja: Thank you for your constructive criticism. I've made those changes, and I'm working on the rest of the numbers and punctuation.
Comment by ETHproductions 22nd december 2012
Wow! This is very pretty. 10/10
Comment by Frodo7 23rd december 2012
A very nice design. 10/10

I think the 'f' needs a bit of negative kerning, so that it doesn't leave too large a space when used with curved characters. You would need to be careful with this in relation to the 'i' and 'l', but I think this is a good compromise ...
Comment by p2pnut 24th december 2012
@Frodo7: Thanks!

@p2pnut: Thank you for the suggestion. I didn't adjust the kerning quite as far as you suggested, because it would overlap letters like 'b' and 'h'. The way it is set now, the last circle in the 'f' matches up with the top serifs in the uppercase 'B', 'D' and so on, so it doesn't look like an overlap.
Comment by ETHproductions 24th december 2012
This is really nice! Every character is beautiful. 10/10
Comment by Noah F. Ross (winty5) 24th december 2012
I seemed to have a lot of critisism, but it looks great now! Love the &.
Comment by V. Sarela (Yautja) 13th january 2013
@winty5: I'm glad you like it! :)

@yautja: Thank you! I just added the remaining symbols and most of the accents Saturday night. I was messing around with the ampersand for quite a while before I got one that looked right. I didn't have time to finish the accents. I'll finish them later today.

Oh, yeah, and that lowercase c is still a nightmare. I'll fix that too... :-)
Comment by ETHproductions 14th january 2013
Comment by ETHproductions 9th february 2013
This has developed into a really good font. fi and fl ligatures and tilde look excellent in your sample.
Comment by four 9th february 2013
@four: Thanks! :-)
Comment by ETHproductions 9th february 2013
Over the last couple of days, I have redesigned more than half the font, making major changes to a bunch of letters. I raised the f's crossbar to x-height, made b, d, e, o, p and q thinner, and fixed the ugly a, as well as many more changes. I also added the new ligatures and made the isolated dots thicker. Suggestions are still welcome, of course...
Comment by ETHproductions 9th july 2013
Comment by ETHproductions 9th july 2013
I don't like the huge tittles on i and j, they don't fit. Other than that, AWE$ØME!!!
Comment by Noah F. Ross (winty5) 9th july 2013
Thanks for the tip, winty. The tittles are now slightly smaller (3 grid squares instead of 4).
Comment by ETHproductions 9th july 2013
Better now :)
Comment by Noah F. Ross (winty5) 9th july 2013
Congratulations! FontStruct Staff have deemed your FontStruction worthy of special mention. “fs dot serif” is now a Top Pick.
Comment by Rob Meek (meek) 7th august 2013
Wow...completely unexpected. Thanks a ton, Mr. Meek! (And by the way, happy birthday!)
Comment by ETHproductions 7th august 2013
Well deserved! Beautiful execution.
A comma looks strange though.
Comment by kassymkulov 8th august 2013
@architaraz: Thanks, I noticed that too. I've changed the comma back to the previous version.
Comment by ETHproductions 10th august 2013
Comment by ETHproductions 19th december 2013
great improve
Comment by Michel Troy ~UrbanPixel~ (Upixel) 15th may 2014

Nearly perfect. the line abow small ý is wrong in my language (faroese/icelandic, but it is right abow á í ó ú Á Í Ó Ú Ý

Comment by torsim33 26th september 2018

I agree with Torsim33, the Y with accute should have an acute, not grave...

Comment by anonymous-1520403 27th september 2018

Whoops! Don't know how I missed that when adding accents. Thanks for the catch!

Comment by ETHproductions 27th september 2018

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