Published: 14th December, 2010
Last edited: 1st June, 2011
Created: 3rd December, 2010
Inspired by Neoqueto's LDR MANUFACTURE and Global Village by JoeAllison.
Feedback would be beyond nice!
--This looks like it's about as done as its getting. I'll probably come back now and then to tweak a few letters and/or look at any suggestions though. And more than likely I'll try to add a few more. Enjoy for now though!--
Published: 11th May, 2011
Last edited: 13th May, 2011
Created: 11th May, 2011
Clone of Dots Fade the Font. Which comes from xenophilius' Simpole Mono. The fading works pretty well this way too.This is a clone of Dots Fade the Font
Published: 11th May, 2011
Last edited: 13th May, 2011
Created: 10th May, 2011
Clone of xe Simpole Mono. Just a little something for xenophilius along with the other several versions of this font. :PThis is a clone of xe Simpole Mono
Published: 17th May, 2011
Last edited: 19th July, 2011
Created: 4th April, 2011
Another attempt at using macaroni bricks in a 2x2 grid using what techniques I gained from messing around with CnstrcT and PictoPeeps. Tried for good legiblity at small sizes (it looks a whole lot better when viewing at a small size). Not a very good try, but I do love playing around with it.
Published: 7th July, 2011
Last edited: 21st July, 2011
Created: 19th May, 2011
This one is definitely heavily influenced by ziberia eYe/FS and zibernia blk eYe/FS by elmoyenique. There are a whole lot of techniques I used that I figured out from studying these two works. So I point all the kudos in that direction!
Published: 20th April, 2011
Last edited: 21st April, 2011
Created: 19th April, 2011
Little pixelated monsters running everywhere. Use at your own discretion.
Published: 12th April, 2011
Last edited: 18th April, 2011
Created: 8th April, 2011
PictoPeeps love to play! :P
These are just simple stick figures doing various poses. Made by using my ever favorite macaroni brick lol!
When using, remember creativity makes the best of everything. ;P
--The large solid brick at the end of the glyphs is the fix thought up by CMunk to keep the tops of the PictoPeeps' heads from being cut off during the downloading process. It is not a letter (just a clarification). The PictoPeeps thank you sir.--