Published: 3rd March, 2015
Last edited: 24th January, 2015
Created: 16th January, 2015
The alphabet of The Ancients of Whoelterran, rarely seen after the first age.
Published: 3rd March, 2015
Last edited: 3rd January, 2015
Created: 29th December, 2014
The alphabet of the Trow, rarely seen due to their exile from the surface world of Whoelterran in the close of the second age.
Published: 3rd March, 2015
Last edited: 27th December, 2014
Created: 25th December, 2014
The alphabet of the Elves of Nix, established in the second age of Whoelterran and continued as the dominate writing until the Elvenjuan Renaissance.
Published: 3rd March, 2015
Last edited: 22nd December, 2014
Created: 22nd December, 2014
The alphabet of the Elvenjuan which was established shortly after the Elvenjuan Renaissance closing the 3rd age and opening the 4th age of Whoelterran.