Main text font used in Star Wars: X-Wing, (C) 1993 LucastArts Entertainment Company, and Star Wars: TIE Fighter, (C) 1994 LucasArts Entertainment Company, as well as on the main menu screen for Agents (players) and Missions (game levels) for Star Wars: Dark Forces, (C) 1995 LucastArts Entertainment Company.
this is a PDF and a guide to the language. This is a language and yes these symbols mean something. I created it because I was not able to find a free font like this online. This language comes from the R’lyehian Alphabet. The goal was to design an alphabet that matched H.P. Lovecraft’s description of the ancient language. To do that it needed
1. To hang down from “horizontal word lines”
2. To be hieroglyphic in nature
3. Not be like Naacal (i.e. ancient Mayan) \
4. Not be like the hieroglyphics of Easter Island (Rongorongo)
The next most obvious hieroglyphics after that would be Egyptian, so putting all that together translated to something that combined a Devanagari style with symbols that could have eventually led to the Egyptian hieroglyphics.
This is a set of letters for Upper Case versions of each letter. The idea is that the language and concepts of the language are non-Euclidean and non-linear, so there is nothing stopping someone from writing it to change directions or change the orientation of the letters. Long story short, these are either backward, at right angles, or upside-down, and in some cases tweaked so they seem fairly different from the basic alphabet. Using capital letters gives variety to the writing, but also makes it harder to read.
(I just inverted most of the letters and the lower case and uppercase are switched so just beware that if you type without caps lock you will be typing in uppercase)
If you have any questions consult the PDF and if it's not in the PDF then I don't know I will be adding an image of what symbols correspond to the keys on the keyboard (if there's already an image then ignore the last bit)
I'm not Uber Goober games btw I have no connection to them and they are responsible for the language.
The official font of the browser game Hellection.
Free for personal use.
Please credit me whenever possible.
Font used in the menu screens, Kyle Katarn's PDA, and subtitles from Star Wars: Dark Forces, (C) 1995 LucasArts.
While there have been at least 2 previous recreations of this design (Peter 'The Hutt' Klassen's "DFFonts 1.5" FON fonts and James 'Burning Gundam' Milne's "Katarns PDF"(sic) TTF font) -- as well as a FontStruction from 2008 (Magic_Al's "Rebel Agent PDA Classic," based on Klassen's FON fonts) -- this is a wholly original version based on recent screencaptures and an FNT export.
The PDA / menu font used in the game isn't generated from a file within the game's resources; they are actually pre-rendered static images in the game's art assets. As a result, the spacing between words and after punctuation is highly variable in these pictures. Most of the spaces appear to be either 3 or 4 pixels wide (or combinations thereof for doublespaces); the width of 3 pixels was chosen in this font because 3-pixel spaces occur more frequently in the images than 4-pixel spaces do.
(And in a pre-rendered video cutscene used for Jabba the Hutt's speech subtitles, the spacing widths of the PDA font vary anywhere from 3 to 6(!) pixels.)
The numerals 1–3 used in the PDA screens were also located in an FNT font file containing 0–9. They are used with the game's mapping system, along with a 'standard' S for maps containing 'sub-levels' (which I have placed in the $ position). So, the numerals are now finally screen accurate for the first time in any version. While the apostrophe (') was reversed in-game, it has been corrected here; the original apostrophe can be found in the grave accent (`) position. The mission task's bullet point (a hollow circle) is located in the @ position.
The exclamation point (!) is found only once, in a single line of Jabba's subtitles (previously mentioned above). However, the dot of the ! dips _below_ the baseline in the video. I have corrected it to rest upon the baseline, matching the other punctuation; for sake of completeness, I've included the original 'lower-dotted' version in the More Latin section.
Na plešce ti vidím vešku,
zaklapni svou sprostou držku,
nebo spadneš na koleje.
Zpozdím tebou české dráhy,
spousta lidí se pobleje,
až zvážím tvé smrti váhy.
Na plešce ti vidím vešku,
koukám na ní pěkně zvršku.
Koukám tak i na tebe,
na všechny kolem sebe.
Spiky shapes and sticks that point in all directions: just take a twilight walk trough a forest in the fog.
The name is Hungarian as we have Hungarian connection in the family and among friends. It means my forest spirit.
I created this font inspired by my theme 'Dangerous'. I wanted my font to look dark and scary, which could be used for advertisement for horror films or shows. I created this 'dangerous' affect by using sharp straight edges rather than curves, I also varied the black thickness in lines so that it stood out.
Dark Tokken was inspired by Maren Winter's novel about a Tokkenspieler. I know that this design is far from looking like the styles of writing popular at the time when the story was supposed to have happened. I adjusted some lines of this version compared to a previous one, added real LC, numbers and More Latin diacritics :) as I want to print bottle labels with this.
I made the old style sz for the ß, and placed the alternate modern ß on the °.
This is a clone