Abakada Tekno, is a standardized baybayin. It is an Abugida or Alphasyllabary. The additional letters of C, F, J, Ñ, Q, R, V, X, and Z and additional vowels of O, and U to become modern baybayin
• The single latin letter B on your keyboard will become 'Ba' (ᜊ)
• If you want make a 'Be' and 'Bi', tap and hold the 'E' key, then press 'Ē' will appear a dash line on top with a character. For 'I' key, press and hold, then type 'Ï' key will make a dot on top with a character.
• If you want to make an 'Bo' and 'Bu' same thing with I and E key, tap and hold 'O' then press 'Ö' will appear a dot at the bottom with a character, for 'U' press and hold, then select 'Ū' will appear a dash line at the bottom with a character.
• If you want to make a single sound letter, hold 'S' key and you will see a german alphabet (ß) press it then you will see a plus or cross sign (+) and it will become a 'B' sound (ᜊ᜔)
• For, 'Ñ' tap and hold the 'N' key, then for 'Ng' tap and hold C and then press 'Ç' key and it will a character (ᜅ)
See also:
Pixel Math
1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 9:9 0:0 -:- ^:kha
q:nga w:wa e:-e r:ra t:ta y:ya u:-u i:-i o:-o p:pa @:a [:o
a:Ca→C(virama) s:sa d:da f:fa g:ga h:ha j:ja k:ka l:la ;:e ::i ]:u
z:za x:sya c:ca v:va b:ba n:na m:ma ,:, .:. _:nya
!:! ":" ':' (:( ):) ~:-é |:é