Published: 3rd December, 2024
Last edited: 27th September, 2010
Created: 19th September, 2010
A reconstruction of some of the original GUI elements found on FontStruct, as a FontStruction on FS! :)
The design elements are (c) FontStruct/Rob Meek/FSI FontShop International (excluding MS-style cursors). This is meant as JUST a fanart and is not meant to infringe on the authors' rights.
This font is meant to be viewed and used at PXL sizes (12 px and multiples).
This pictographic font is a WIP (work in progress). Any suggestions are welcome!
*20 September 2010 — Added new glyphs (FS GUI elements/artifacts + some cursors & GUI widgets, like radio buttons). Notable additions include the FS web browser favicon (in 2 versions!) and the social networking icons found under the "Tell the world" dropdown option.
Also changed the picture-to-letter mapping, this requires further improvements, though.
*27 September 2010 — 11 new GUI image elements/artifacts were added after suggestions by other FontStructors:
1. The clone icon (Dolly the clone sheep)
2-4. "Add fave", "My fave" and broken-hearted "Drop fave" versions of the heart icon that can be used to keep track of your favorite FontStructions
5-6. Two (2) versions of the current FontShop favicon (faux anti-aliased and B&W contrasted)
7. A rectangular FontStruct mini-banner that appears when embedding a FontStruction into an external website
8. "FontStruct is brought to you by" text from the same embeddings
9. Small negative/inverted upwards arrow (I always seemed to forgot to add that one up until now)
10. The e-mail icon from FontStructor userpages, and
11. The pixel rating ‘voted’ tick mark.
*[next version]
P.S. Any suggestions, comments and ideas are again appreciated, welcome & even encouraged! :D