This font is a facsimile of a substitution cipher from The Shadow #10, "Chain of Death." Letters are replaced by blocky symbols, which consist of pairs of rectangular shapes separated by a space. To encrypt a message, the symbols are connected together by their outer right and left edges. This gives the appearance of a much greater set of symbols than there actually are, and the spaces will confuse potential codebreakers. There are no numerals or punctuation. I included square brackets ("[" and "]") for two special symbols that are frequently used to begin and end sencryptions (you can type messages [like this]).
This had the look of the original reverse-comp entry. Then the save ignored me, as you can see. Another of my basic fonts died in silence.
Всі символи (Кирилиця та Латиниця) відповідають відповідним Рунам. Шрифт також містить основні знаки пунктуації. Він допоможе швидко написати своє ім’я або словосполучення за допомогою Рун.
02-07-2023 - Зробив незначні коригування знаків: оклику, мінус, дорівнює.
All characters (Cyrillic and Latin) correspond to certain runes. Font also includes basic punctuation marks. It helps you quickly write your name, any word or phrase using the Runes.