A more 'normal' type of university font, familiar, safe, with only few quirks, and as complete as I want it until summer. All letters are on Lower Case. Alternative "s" is on "S". No kerning.
This is a clone of Me-Knee-Verse-ETI Fontstructed my way through a difficult period, the holes have quite a story to tell....... A weird design and not totally necessary, I was told. That'll be OK for me ;) All letters are on Lower Case. There's an alternative 's' on 'S'. No Kerning.
This is the shadowed version for STF_UNI
UNI - is a all caps semi-serif 3-D outline display typeface that was aimed at college sports teams.
The font features 2 styles, regular & shadowed (cloned to a seporate fontstruction).
It makes use of 3 different striped patterns, one for each plane (except the front). These enhance the depth and orientation of the Three-dimensional effect on the letterforms and making them pop out more.
Great for making headline text or to highlight specific parts.
regular version is found here:
This is a clone of STF_UNI (REGULAR)The regular version for STF_UNI
UNI - is a all caps semi-serif 3-D outline display typeface that was aimed at college sports teams.
The font features 2 styles, regular & shadowed (cloned to a seporate fontstruction).
Shadowed version is found here:
University font from GEOS for the Commodore 64. This was one of the default fonts included with GEOS and GeoWrite. I think it's based on one of Susan Kare's Mac fonts, can't remember which one. Elegant and may even work its way back into regular use for me...
Good luck Ryan, I hope things will go well with you. Don't hesitate to check your account, no need to publish fonts while you have other things to do. But it would be nice if you could say "hi" in the forum :) when you're logged in
This is a clone of Flat FatWider lines on this version of Raysan. As it is a display font it only needs upper case and some essential punctuation. It would be useful for shop signs, headers and (part of) logos. It belongs to the Raysan family but I changed some spacings.
Yes,I didn't follow my design rule for J,T,Z,1,2,3,7 nor for .,+-+ and the different types of >< I found the left lines with the a in @ and e in & unpleasant and unnecessary.
This is a clone of Raysan GreatThe outline version of "Slab Serif 100". Sizes are as the parent font so this version can be used with the parent and other versions. Work in progress.
This is a clone