1:qian hard 2:wang death 3:he grain 4:ri sun 5:tian field 6:yang sheep 7:wang net 8:fei deny 9:xi west 0:zi nose -:bian sort ^:shan mountain
q:quan dog w:mu tree e:xue hole r:shi spirit t:tu soil y:ya fang u:zhu bamboo i:mian house o:yu rain p:bei shell @:mo no [:ci this
a:shang respect s:si string d:tian field f:er ear g:jian see h:zhe person j:zhui bird k:shi stone l:li stand ;:li queue :: ]:zhui bird
z:zi child x:xin heart c:cun inch v:nv woman b:gan dry n:niao bird m:ma horse ,:lin woods .:ci next /:yu wing _:shao few
space:cao grass
!:juan roll ":wen text #:fen divide $:sai block %:tu soil &:tu born ':sheng grow (:chen time ):jiu mill =:er two ~:niu ox |:shi ten
Q:jin cloth W:shou hand E:li stand R:ri sun T:dou bean Y:yi clothes U:mu tree I:ying light O:kou mouth P:mu eye `:zhua nail {:xi meat
A:shi male S:si own D:dao knife F:rou meat G:gong give H:huo fire J:ji table K:kou mouth L:li power +:tou lid *:he fit }:jin now
Z:zheng correct X:shi ten C:che car V:ren leg B:ba eight N:niu cow M:min dish <:ba eight >:bu not ?:ren entrust
Last version (#25) from the original (#1) – same doc.
This is a clone of D33SPMZX82 ABCDEFG: a bicolor drolatique font generator
[dpla's ZX Spectrum edition – version 1.0 or ROIAOAIO]
294 visible text characters, in 'Extended ASCII' (U0020-FF) and a few beyond.
7 code pages (CP) to switch from, and 48 cells left unassigned (in CP 4 to 6).
Feel free to add your private glyphs, provided you retain the original mapping;
you may replace them with invisible formatting controls (e.g. for animations).
The CP switches are 7 visible control characters, applied once or indefinitely,
that is: K/B/R/M/G/C/Y → temporary; KY/BY/RY/MY/GY/CY/YY → permanent.
Please, bear in mind that my main mapping (CP 0) is based on our 6 vowels,
contrary to A-Z substitutions (like David B. Kelley's "6-Color Binary Alphabet").
This implementation uses 7 colors in ascending RGB on a white background
(hence my title: a 8-bit allusion to the ZX Spectrum Ink and Paper on screen).
Example: "Hello·world!" = "BY K RM RK MM MM GK •CR GK GM MM BM KK"
where the letters = their abbreviated color (0-6), and 'Space' / "•" = White (7).
Typically on a display, you can resort to a pair of characters (any block / bar)
but you can use the material of your choice (e.g. balloons, the air being "W"),
even derivate in color (symbols), size (micro), view (vector, 3D), language…
Script & mapping: copyright © 2014-2018 dpla; else: under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
Diffused 33-Segment Pixel Matrix
a.k.a. 'D33SPM' {by dpla}
7- to 33-segment progression
(bitmap-only step-by-step)***
. 'S' Segment (#)
. 'L' Layer (I2O [Groups: 1/23/45/67])
. 'C' Character (ANSI)*
. 'U' Unicode (00+HEX)
. 'P' Position (Clockwise) [Matrix V1]**
. 'I' In/Inner
. 'O' Out/Outer
I to O table:
.S L C .U P..
00 1 0 30 Mdl
-- - - -- ---
01 2 1 31 N
02 2 2 32 E
03 2 3 33 S
04 2 4 34 W
-- - - -- ---
05 3 5 35 NE
06 3 6 36 SE
07 3 7 37 SW
08 3 8 38 NW
-- - - -- ---
09 4 9 39 NE
10 4 A 41 SE
11 4 B 42 SW
12 4 C 43 NW
-- - - -- ---
13 5 D 44 N
14 5 E 45 E
15 5 F 46 S
16 5 G 47 W
-- - - -- ---
17 6 H 48 NNE
18 6 I 49 NEE
19 6 J 4A SEE
20 6 K 4B SSE
21 6 L 4C SSW
22 6 M 4D SWW
23 6 N 4E NWW
24 6 O 4F NNW
-- - - -- ---
25 7 P 50 NNE
26 7 Q 51 NEE
27 7 R 52 SEE
28 7 S 53 SSE
29 7 T 54 SSW
30 7 U 55 SWW
31 7 V 56 NWW
32 7 W 57 NNW
* So that the FULL MATRIX can be revealed
by enabling all the segments (33 layers)
(or any distribution of this full string).
Now you may 'fontstruct' my 25TH VERSION…
(the "MARS:BENZ" test showcases this one).
The expected final & plain VECTOR DESIGNS
could simply begin with rotating squares…
Even in this early and geometric step #0,
all the 33 segment areas would be similar.
1 BIT too many… try removing S00 yourself
(or merge by adding a 'separating value').
Use the glyph SPACING as usual in x and y
(even by kerning the variable width font).
I started drawing many V1 GLYPHS on April
(+ several ANIMATIONS for matrix testing).
The inherited 7-SEGMENT matrix is a LIMIT
(e.g. no added border for the diacritics).
You may NOT use D33SPM commercially
{OR ask for my written permission}.
0126 PNG
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