Ver. 1.0(Beta, 9.21.2021): 1st release
--------------(When to start adding Chinese characters)---------------
Ver. 2.0(Beta): I found an Expert mode, so I added some Kanjis(一, 亜, 咽 and etc.)
Ver. 2.01(2022.05.22, Beta): More extended latin A and Added 31 Kanjis
Ver. 2.02(2022.05.25, Beta): Completed Latin ext_A block
Ver. 2.03(2022.05.26, Beta): Added CJK symbols block
Ver. 2.04(Beta): Plan of adding 20 Kanjis and Fixing glyph bugs
Ver. 2.05(2022.07.10, Beta): Added some of KS X 1001 symbols
Ver. 2.06(2022.07.11): Added 59 glyphs of Kanjis
Ver. 2.07(2022.07.12):Added some of Latin Ext_B glyphs
Ver. 2.08(2022.07.13):Added 30 glyphs of Kanjis more Latin Ext_B glyphs
Ver. 2.09(2022.07.14):Completed Latin Ext_B block and Added 15 glyphs of Hanjis and Fixed some of Hanji glyph's Bugs
Ver. 2.10(2022.07.18):Completed Hangul Compatibility Jamo Block and Added some glyphs of Latin Extended Additional Blocks
Ver. 2.11(2022.07.24):Completed Basic Russian Cylliric letters on 'Cylliric blocks'
Ver. 2.12(2022.07.25):More glyphs on Latin Exteneded Additional Blocks
-(CJK Unified Chinese Character Simplified Chinese Character Addition Start Time)------------------------------------------------------------
Ver. 3.0(2022.09.8~12): Added 30 glyphs of Cjk for Simplified Chinese
Ver. 3.1(2022.9.20): Some of more Kanjis
Ver. 3.1(2022.10.2~7): Added 30 glyphs of Kanjis
Ver. 3.2(2022.10.20~22): Added some of more kanjis
Ver. 3.21(2022.10.30): Added 8 glyphs of Cjk for Simplified Chinese
Ver. 3.3(2022.11.4):Added 10 glyphs of Latin and 6 glyphs of Hanguls
Ver. 3.4(2022.11.10):Added 21 glyphs of Cjk for Simplified Chinese
Ver. 3.41(2022.11.22):Added 10 glyphs of Cjk for Simplified Chinese
Ver. 3.41(2022.11.24):Added 15 glyphs of Cjk for Simplified Chinese
Ver. 3.42(2022.11.25):Added 10 glyphs of Cjk for Simplified Chinese
Ver. 3.43(2022.12.17):Added 15 glyphs of Cjk for Simplified Chinese
Ver. 3.5(2022.12.10):Added 10 glyphs of Cjk for Modern Chinese
Ver. 3.51(2022.12.21):Added 5 glyphs of Cjk for Modern Chinese
Ver. 3.6(2023.03.13):Added 10 glyphs of Cjk for Modern Chinese
Added so far of unified Kanji(Chinese) counts:Total of 293 glyphs
1. Completing JIS 1 level of Kanjis
2. Completing JIS 2 level of Kanjis
3. Completing JIS 3 level of Kanjis
4. Making 2,351 glyphs of Hanguls(10/2351)
5. Adding extended Latin glyphs up to 'Latin extended additional'
6. Completing basic Arabic blocks
7. Completing Hanji glyphs on 'List of Frequently Used Characters in Modern Chinese'
8. Completing Hanji glyphs on 'BIG 5 Common Character Set'
9. Completing KS X 1001 symbols
10. Completing Hanji glyphs on 'Table of General Standard Chinise Character'
11. Completing 'Russian cylliric' block
12. Completing Hanji glyphs on 'Xim Sans' (Total of 17912 glyphs)
1:qian hard 2:wang death 3:he grain 4:ri sun 5:tian field 6:yang sheep 7:wang net 8:fei deny 9:xi west 0:zi nose -:bian sort ^:shan mountain
q:quan dog w:mu tree e:xue hole r:shi spirit t:tu soil y:ya fang u:zhu bamboo i:mian house o:yu rain p:bei shell @:mo no [:ci this
a:shang respect s:si string d:tian field f:er ear g:jian see h:zhe person j:zhui bird k:shi stone l:li stand ;:li queue :: ]:zhui bird
z:zi child x:xin heart c:cun inch v:nv woman b:gan dry n:niao bird m:ma horse ,:lin woods .:ci next /:yu wing _:shao few
space:cao grass
!:juan roll ":wen text #:fen divide $:sai block %:tu soil &:tu born ':sheng grow (:chen time ):jiu mill =:er two ~:niu ox |:shi ten
Q:jin cloth W:shou hand E:li stand R:ri sun T:dou bean Y:yi clothes U:mu tree I:ying light O:kou mouth P:mu eye `:zhua nail {:xi meat
A:shi male S:si own D:dao knife F:rou meat G:gong give H:huo fire J:ji table K:kou mouth L:li power +:tou lid *:he fit }:jin now
Z:zheng correct X:shi ten C:che car V:ren leg B:ba eight N:niu cow M:min dish <:ba eight >:bu not ?:ren entrust
This is a kanji font, it will be downloadable when im done working on this font.
UPDATE 17/03/2021 12:??: this project will probably not possible too.
UPDATE 17/03/2021 12/27 I am also a bit lazy.
UPDATE 17/03/2021 12/28 I get lost and cant keep track of the glyphs too. This is really bad!
A font in which Japanese or half-width alphanumeric characters are written in 15 × 15 pixels.
Postscript: The version made with fontforge has been released.
You can use more kanji here, and you can also write vertically.