Śmieć (transcribed as Sjmiecj when using only the characters available in the font) is a font designed to be easily readable, both up close and from far away. The name of the font means "a small piece of trash" in Polish because I will be using it on my new trashcan stickers. This font is meant to be 3D printed as individual letters, so you can reüse punctuation as diacritics when assembling words from these letters.
When to Use Upper/Lower Cases
The font is meant to have an effect when the vowels are just taller lowercases. Start words from a capital letter, so that the sentence "This is a garbage truck" becomes "This Is A Garbage Truck". This is important when a word begins in a vowel. When a vowel letter (or a Y) acts as a consonant, use uppercase, so that the sentence "The royal queenie girl is practicing ventriloquism" becomes "The RoYal QUeenie Girl Is Practicing VentriloqUism". Silent vowel letters that separate two letters from influencing each other's pronunciations are upper cased, like the Spanish name "Miguel" becomes MigUel because the U separates the G from the E so that it's not "Mikhel". On the other hand, silent vowel letters of a different purpose stay lowercase, so that the English word "cane" is simply "Cane". Digraphs containing both vowels and consonants, like the "ti" digraph in "nation" and the "ar" digraph in "cart", use uppercase vowel letters when the digraph makes a consonant sound, but use lowercase vowel letters when the digraph makes a vowel sound: "NatIon", but "Cart".
My ‘white bear’ font is based on my set brief: ‘protection.’ The font style proposes the idea of an atypical font, creating a distorted and experimental look, differing from the ‘norm’. The inspiration for my font is based on the black mirror episode ‘bandersnatch’ where the white bear logo is shown, which presents the idea of gaming, glitching and an overall digital ambience in visual text, leading to my outcome of the square pixel font.