The designer of this FontStruction has chosen not to make it available for download from this website by choosing an “All Rights Reserved" license.
Please respect their decision and desist from requesting license changes in the comments.
If you would like to use the FontStruction for a specific project, you may be able to contact the designer directly about obtaining a license.
Based on the font 'Kettler' (Eric Olson, 2002), which in turn is a tribute to the great 'Courier' (1955) by Howard "Bud" Kettler. As often happens to me, this recreation was born from the attempt to improve some characteristics of the original glyphs that I considered appropiated, in addition to being able to have a personal modern typewriter font. The monospace of this kind of letters has been a bit relaxed on this occasion. PS: Thanks for the helpful hand from @Sed4tives!
Based on the font 'Kettler' (Eric Olson, 2002), which in turn is a tribute to the great 'Courier' (1955) by Howard "Bud" Kettler. As often happens to me, this recreation was born from the attempt to improve some characteristics of the original glyphs that I considered appropiated, in addition to being able to have a personal modern typewriter font. The monospace of this kind of letters has been a bit relaxed on this occasion.
Love it!
It remotely reminds me of my Leopold Serif fontstruction.
Very well designed font that is highly usable compa!
@elmoyenique - Beautiful work here, my friend. :^)
This is really nice. It makes me want a typewriter with this font. :) I created this font, do you like it?
@CREATIVEKID2030: Dude, take a hike..
Next time have some respect for the original author of the font you're commenting on. And at least make this comment about THEIR work. This should be the foremost important reason for you to post a comment here (in my opinion it should be THE ONLY reason though).
Once you're finished writing about THEIR WORK you can now discuss additional stuff or perhaps redirect to your own materials. Be humble! Modesty adorns the one who wears it. You can't just drop in at random font pages and only to drop a url to your shit and begging for a opinion. Show some decency and just wait until someone notices your fonts and decide to comment on them. Besides that, doing this making you look down-right horribly cheap. And Noone should be ever presenting themselves like this. It just looks bad.
Let me share one bit of additional advice that I've learned after 31 years of drifting excessively online.
Actions such as yours above in general-terms aren't typically received with great appreciation. And often result in a complete oposite as to what you innitially were trying to achieve in the first place. Most people choose to avoid paying attention to people that hijack someone else's comment section for their own desires. And doing this more consistently eventually people start to remember your username. Creating additional adverse that makes getting noticed eventually even harder and harder.
PS: Apologies for my ferocity. But when I see my favorite contributor's font page getting hijacked by beggar kiddie plebs it pisses me off a bit. I bet a 100 bucks that attention obsessive youngsters like this have never even check a single font of the people they exploit #shameonyou
And not a surprise of course that both of this persons uls promt a "403 Forbidden" server error. "What else is new?"
It's exactly this sort of ongoing nonsense such as the above that make me wonder if Fontstruct might be better off with a devoted “FS Patron”-website section for payed subscribers that is shielded from the general public's website portion.
But the problem progressively grown bigger in recent months.
It's also people that run multiple accounts for the most silliest of reasons, like: updating a username with the new current year in their name. Some that run even as much as three, four or more accounts for no apparent reason other that to just spam random pointless comments. I said "some" (but it's most likely just one individual) that decided to engage in these pretend-like conversations, with I guess his alter-ego's (or perhaps his small posse of friends who share a common origin elsewhere on the web) which typically smell more like weak cases of Multiple Personality Disorders (MPD's).
Whom continuously publish these clones of 'apparently' the same couple of unedited and therefor pointless-garbage fonts over and over again that have these ongoing fake updates v0.1 to v99.WHAT.EVER.123. Making it appear as if their content is some kind of 'high-profiled' favorite topic, just to draw additional attention and make their presence again. With the sole reason of simply making a mess in a font's page comment sections and website Live feed, delivering this repeatedly unpleasant ride for the remainder of the members.
Letter A has poor brick-allignement on its legs.
I fixed the following characters for you compa:
Later ill try to fix curve to round transitions on your number 2 if you remain having problems with the stroke contour alignement on it's curved parts.
@Masters Goatmeal and aphoria: Thanks a lot for your kind comments and continuous support! Glad you like this font, my friends.
@meek: Thank you very much, Big Boss!
@Dear Sed4tives: I really appreciate the work you take to review my glyphs. Small (but always important) details that I overlook, you make them evident and thus greatly improve my fonts. I truly appreciate it and feel indebted to you. Thank you a million, compa. Speaking about zwriter, I've fixed the glyphs you mentioned -i.e. 4 A a k q z- and I hope if you find any others you'll let me know (you don't need make a FS for this, just show a picture). I'm waiting for your option with the 2 because that transition kept me busy and it was not resolved in the best way, as you can see. Thanks for the helpful hand again!
You're welcome my friend,
All done in the name of love. Wonderful gems like this simple need to shine in all their glory as it was intended to. So if I can support whatever little is needed to achieve this I'm all-in to help.
About the number 2 character, I actually have a font in the same weight as zwriter with perhaps a curve transition that fits the requirements or can easily be fine-tuned into get it to fit your glyph.
Allright, still not 100% perfect, but I think its much better already. Most if not all the jagged contour allignement interruptions got eliminated. The only remaining small imperfection left is that the transition on both curves does not yet fully feels 100% truly natural, and bends-off slightly too abrubtly in my version. Yet, I think its minute, so it shouldn't be too much of a deal breaker I guess. It all comes down to personal preference at this point.
I'll pick this up again at another point in time for a second round. Perhaps I can achieve even further improvements for it. But for now here is my corrected suggestion for the number 2 character compa!
very lovely typewriter typeface~
@caterpillar's.kimono: Thank you very much, pal.
This font is beautiful, amigo. I might even try using it for coding and try it on for size, in the real world haha
@Noah F. Ross: Thank you so much, and please try it (and let me know how it works).
Great monospaced slab serif, wonderful work once again!
@four: Thanks a million, compañero! Always waiting for your next jewel. Be well.
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