Rectilinear Certainty

by kandryve
See also RC Take II by kandryve.

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An all CAPS font


Wow ! I simply adore this font, at the same time irregular and esthetically controlled. Fat mixed with thin, blackie mixed with opened, all in the same letter. And this uncanny techno feeling ! Excellent.
Comment by Abneurone Fluid Types 3rd april 2010
It's an interesting mix of various inspiration sources (it reminds me Bauhaus and De Stijl). But I think the set lacks consistency : you should maybe take some glyphs apart (a, b, d, p) and use them as a base for a new font.
Comment by igorrossi 3rd april 2010
I don't this mixed up version lacks of consistency, but I agree with igorossi on the other point : it could be great to have a more minimalistic font based on the fattest glyphs (I would add the H on this new basis and D and would be fatter) but it would a new independent work, do not touch to this one, it deserves to be as it is.
Comment by Abneurone Fluid Types 3rd april 2010
Thank you both for your comments and suggestions! I agree with both of you, I just may get started on a new one!
Comment by kandryve 3rd april 2010

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