by nameless1
See also Elven (lort) by A_Ranger.

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Quenya adaptation of Tolkien's elvish language script, Tengwar, for use in word, paint, even internet browsers =]


It's nice to have like-minded people here, who think of Tolkien's legacy seriously. I have one little comment and a question for you. The numbers are not Tengwar compliant; Tolkien invented the way to write the numbers with Tengwar (and punctuation as well). Keyboard layout: how did you sorted the glyphs?
Comment by Frodo7 15th june 2010
Well, this was done more as an informality of sorts; as a way to integrate the Tengwar glyphs into the English language.

As such the glyphs are arranged so as to match the most likely candidate for keyboard entry (Ex. 'ng' -> n). In addition I am aware that the numbers do not match Tolkien's versions, as well as the punctuation marks (comma, period, exclamation, question mark). I decided not to integrate those individual characters for the purpose of making the Tengwar Font more compatible with everyday life.

Going back to the keyboard
the underscore symbolizing the doubling of a character is actually ~ and the silent e is `, the character underneath.
'th' is actually T, and in a similar fashion S and C being 'sh' and 'ch'. the double dots below a character is Y, and all other capital vowels, (A, E, I, O, and U) are consonental vowels (a line and the vowel marks that usually appear above a character such as the three dots representing 'a'). I believe L = 'ld', R = 'rd', N = 'nt', D = 'nd', P = 'mp', and B = 'mp'.

Ex. Tere Is no spO~n
would translate to the Tengwar equivalent characters perfectly to say "there is no spoon"

As you are most likely aware, much of the Elvish languages are constantly under debate and deliberation so, this is a rendition of sorts.

I'm glad to have found the audience I was hoping would receive this project =].
I believe Tolkien to have been one of the most underrated geniuses of the past century.
Comment by nameless1 23rd june 2010
Also, if you have any more comments or suggestions, please tell me.

I'm looking to increase the compatibility of this project with the English Language more fluently and in order to do so require an outside eye =].
Comment by nameless1 23rd june 2010
This is amazing, the only thing to change is the numbers and the punctuation
Comment by A_Ranger 12th february 2011
I am very impressed by the work! I am wondering how did you get the vowels on top when you created the font? Mine is all caps. You should check mine out! Awesome JOB!!
Comment by Ethan Hauber 25th january 2012

This is one of the best Tengwar fonts I have found on FontSruct! Only a few letters, numbers and punctuation would have to be changed.

Comment by Manavéru 1st july 2021