⚠ Serious work – NOT for kids!
• Pixel art (& voxel art) theory + history: on Fr.Wikipedia
• Website: asap (images/ too).
● The truly smallest basic Ascii typeface (non-binary 1bpp dot-matrix) {status: over 4000 valid fonts [≤4×5] are multiplying my dozens of seeds; 100s of hours of work; various doc/conventions and DLs+comparisons in progress};
○ Isometric –voxel art– text glyphs;
+ Many image generators (via Fr and En [hopefully] keyboard mappings [mix of Ascii art and cryptography]).
Personal URL | |
Fontstructing since | 8th March, 2013 |
Fontstructions | 30 shared, 0 staff picks |
Shared Glyphs | 7927 |
Downloads | 300 downloads made of this designer’s work |
Comments Made | 1317 |
Fairchild Channel F - PROPORTIONAL (font edition)
Video Entertainment System (VES - original name)
Collection of text characters, 1976-1981 Fairchild
5x5 / 4x5 / 3x5 US-ASCII valid fonts, 2018-04 dpla
Fairchild derived from the old 7-segment numerics.
Breakthroughs of this 2nd-gen video game console:
. first artificial intelligence (AI) in game,
. first programmable game cartridges (27),
. '8 colors' (in 102x58 out of 128x64 px),
. hold button menu, joystick/paddle controllers.
Today's young home players cannot understand this.
Fairchild Channel F
Video Entertainment System (VES - original name)
Collection of text characters, 1976-1981 Fairchild
5x5 / 4x5 / 3x5 US-ASCII valid fonts, 2018-04 dpla
Fairchild derived from the old 7-segment numerics.
Breakthroughs of this 2nd-gen video game console:
. first artificial intelligence (AI) in game,
. first programmable game cartridges (27),
. '8 colors' (in 102x58 out of 128x64 px),
. hold button menu, joystick/paddle controllers.
Today's young home players cannot understand this.
Fairchild Channel F - PROPORTIONAL (font edition)
Video Entertainment System (VES - original name)
Collection of text characters, 1976-1981 Fairchild
5x5 / 4x5 / 3x5 US-ASCII valid fonts, 2018-04 dpla
Fairchild derived from the old 7-segment numerics.
Breakthroughs of this 2nd-gen video game console:
. first artificial intelligence (AI) in game,
. first programmable game cartridges (27),
. '8 colors' (in 102x58 out of 128x64 px),
. hold button menu, joystick/paddle controllers.
Today's young home players cannot understand this.
Fairchild Channel F
Video Entertainment System (VES - original name)
Collection of text characters, 1976-1981 Fairchild
5x5 / 4x5 / 3x5 US-ASCII valid fonts, 2018-04 dpla
Fairchild derived from the old 7-segment numerics.
Breakthroughs of this 2nd-gen video game console:
. first artificial intelligence (AI) in game,
. first programmable game cartridges (27),
. '8 colors' (in 102x58 out of 128x64 px),
. hold button menu, joystick/paddle controllers.
Today's young home players cannot understand this.
Fairchild Channel F - PROPORTIONAL (font edition)
Video Entertainment System (VES - original name)
Collection of text characters, 1976-1981 Fairchild
5x5 / 4x5 / 3x5 US-ASCII valid fonts, 2018-04 dpla
Fairchild derived from the old 7-segment numerics.
Breakthroughs of this 2nd-gen video game console:
. first artificial intelligence (AI) in game,
. first programmable game cartridges (27),
. '8 colors' (in 102x58 out of 128x64 px),
. hold button menu, joystick/paddle controllers.
Today's young home players cannot understand this.
Fairchild Channel F
Video Entertainment System (VES - original name)
Collection of text characters, 1976-1981 Fairchild
5x5 / 4x5 / 3x5 US-ASCII valid fonts, 2018-04 dpla
Fairchild derived from the old 7-segment numerics.
Breakthroughs of this 2nd-gen video game console:
. first artificial intelligence (AI) in game,
. first programmable game cartridges (27),
. '8 colors' (in 102x58 out of 128x64 px),
. hold button menu, joystick/paddle controllers.
Today's young home players cannot understand this.
ZX82 ABCDEFG: a bicolor drolatique font generator
[dpla's ZX Spectrum edition – version 1.0 or ROIAOAIO]
294 visible text characters, in 'Extended ASCII' (U0020-FF) and a few beyond.
7 code pages (CP) to switch from, and 48 cells left unassigned (in CP 4 to 6).
Feel free to add your private glyphs, provided you retain the original mapping;
you may replace them with invisible formatting controls (e.g. for animations).
The CP switches are 7 visible control characters, applied once or indefinitely,
that is: K/B/R/M/G/C/Y → temporary; KY/BY/RY/MY/GY/CY/YY → permanent.
Please, bear in mind that my main mapping (CP 0) is based on our 6 vowels,
contrary to A-Z substitutions (like David B. Kelley's "6-Color Binary Alphabet").
This implementation uses 7 colors in ascending RGB on a white background
(hence my title: a 8-bit allusion to the ZX Spectrum Ink and Paper on screen).
Example: "Hello·world!" = "BY K RM RK MM MM GK •CR GK GM MM BM KK"
where the letters = their abbreviated color (0-6), and 'Space' / "•" = White (7).
Typically on a display, you can resort to a pair of characters (any block / bar)
but you can use the material of your choice (e.g. balloons, the air being "W"),
even derivate in color (symbols), size (micro), view (vector, 3D), language…
Script & mapping: copyright © 2014-2018 dpla; else: under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
Last version (#25) from the original (#1) – same doc.
This is a clone of D33SPM45NUM_WI71
1=14 fonts
<< 1234567890 . 1234567890 >>
W7I0: 0123456789 ! °±²³´µ¶·¸¹ :W7I1
W6I0: :;<=>?@ABC ! º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂà :W6I1
W3I0: XYZ[\]^_`a ! ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàá :W3I1
W2I0: bcdefghijk ! âãäåæçèéêë :W2I1
W1I0: lmnopqrstu ! ìíîïðñòóôõ :W1I1
<< 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 , 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 >>
W7! 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 | B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 !W7
I0! 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | ° ± ² ³ ´ µ ¶ · ¸ ¹ !I1
W6! 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 | BA BB BC BD BE BF C0 C1 C2 C3 !W6
I0! : ; < = > ? @ A B C | º » ¼ ½ ¾ ¿ À Á Â Ã !I1
W5! 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D | C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD !W5
I0! D E F G H I J K L M | Ä Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í !I1
W4! 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 | CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 !W4
I0! N O P Q R S T U V W | Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × !I1
W3! 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 | D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF E0 E1 !W3
I0! X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a | Ø Ù Ú Û Ü Ý Þ ß à á !I1
W2! 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B | E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB !W2
I0! b c d e f g h i j k | â ã ä å æ ç è é ê ë !I1
W1! 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 | EC ED EE EF F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 !W1
I0! l m n o p q r s t u | ì í î ï ð ñ ò ó ô õ !I1
<< 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 >>
Metadata quote:
"4x5 numerics with 7 weights and 1 italic a.k.a. WI71"
Not inspired by any other design,
e.g. Abneurone's minimalist pixel experiments
(my very dotted 4x5 version may look like the 7x7
"Deep Low 2" font he made on 2014 and 2017
- which includes a lot of duplicates
but is not limited to the numerics).
NOT for commercial use:
0212 PNG
0320 TXT
Diffused 33-Segment Pixel Matrix
a.k.a. 'D33SPM' {by dpla}
7- to 33-segment progression
(bitmap-only step-by-step)***
. 'S' Segment (#)
. 'L' Layer (I2O [Groups: 1/23/45/67])
. 'C' Character (ANSI)*
. 'U' Unicode (00+HEX)
. 'P' Position (Clockwise) [Matrix V1]**
. 'I' In/Inner
. 'O' Out/Outer
I to O table:
.S L C .U P..
00 1 0 30 Mdl
-- - - -- ---
01 2 1 31 N
02 2 2 32 E
03 2 3 33 S
04 2 4 34 W
-- - - -- ---
05 3 5 35 NE
06 3 6 36 SE
07 3 7 37 SW
08 3 8 38 NW
-- - - -- ---
09 4 9 39 NE
10 4 A 41 SE
11 4 B 42 SW
12 4 C 43 NW
-- - - -- ---
13 5 D 44 N
14 5 E 45 E
15 5 F 46 S
16 5 G 47 W
-- - - -- ---
17 6 H 48 NNE
18 6 I 49 NEE
19 6 J 4A SEE
20 6 K 4B SSE
21 6 L 4C SSW
22 6 M 4D SWW
23 6 N 4E NWW
24 6 O 4F NNW
-- - - -- ---
25 7 P 50 NNE
26 7 Q 51 NEE
27 7 R 52 SEE
28 7 S 53 SSE
29 7 T 54 SSW
30 7 U 55 SWW
31 7 V 56 NWW
32 7 W 57 NNW
* So that the FULL MATRIX can be revealed
by enabling all the segments (33 layers)
(or any distribution of this full string).
Now you may 'fontstruct' my 25TH VERSION…
(the "MARS:BENZ" test showcases this one).
The expected final & plain VECTOR DESIGNS
could simply begin with rotating squares…
Even in this early and geometric step #0,
all the 33 segment areas would be similar.
1 BIT too many… try removing S00 yourself
(or merge by adding a 'separating value').
Use the glyph SPACING as usual in x and y
(even by kerning the variable width font).
I started drawing many V1 GLYPHS on April
(+ several ANIMATIONS for matrix testing).
The inherited 7-SEGMENT matrix is a LIMIT
(e.g. no added border for the diacritics).
You may NOT use D33SPM commercially
{OR ask for my written permission}.
0126 PNG
0320 TXT
0401 TXT UPD
₫€®¡$¤r¥:©¤₦₡€₧:¤₣:℗®¤_¤₣ I meant : 1. it's not a font because of the number of duplicates; 2. internet search engines believe the contrary (we deserve smarter crawlers); 3. it's an unfinished work (I felt lazy for not designing the filters beforehand - 2x2 grid combinations); 4. I'm unsure about the final license, esp. when I have released a sub-pixel '''''font''''' with the same method.