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@afrojet: Thanks for noticing. The Q was the last thing I modified before releasing.
@emepar: The sun is actually part of the Philippine flag, so I overlaid a rotated flag and positioned it to match the sun in the sample.
I love it! 2 thumbs up!
Agree with afrojet the 'Q' is Fantastic!
@Axel Leyer: Thanks. I like the new stuff you've released as well.
@wong111: Here's a link for instructions.
@thalamic: Thanks, Ata. I was beginning to worry about you. ;-)
@incorected: I saw the logo after the fight on Saturday night. On Sunday, discovered I can recreate the logo, but only in 1:2 scale. Designed all cap glyphs and spacing by Tuesday. Actual hours are unknown, since it was sporadic while working on other things. But this one was fun to do.
how did you get that symbol in front of "A"?
thanx haha
Royal Kitchen & Bath
i thought is was the pacman game lol
you have to type in lowercase because it doesn't work when typing in uppercase
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