Eight2 Empire

by Elementalist

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To be as as compact as possible horizontally and legible at small sizes... Based closely off of the work of Thomas Whetnall at http://eight2empire.blogspot.com/2012/02/exploring-type.html , this tiny proportional-width pixel font is meant to be used in games where space is at a premium. Its widest glyphs are 5 pixels across (not including spacing between characters), and at most 8 pixels tall. I have made a few modifications from the original, on the characters 'H', 'I', 'K', 'l', 'u', 'w', '0', '@', and possibly changing the vertical positions of some punctuation. I added in some Latin-1 glyphs that show up a lot, like the copyright symbol and the ellipsis. This font strongly emphasizes the difference between glyphs rather than using traditional letter-forms, so while it may look odd at first, the legibility could grow on you.

1 Comment

Here's a sample at normal size (8 pixels tall), 2x normal size (fairly legible), and 4x normal size (way too big).
Comment by Elementalist 4th march 2012

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