The designer of this FontStruction has chosen not to make it available for download from this website by choosing an “All Rights Reserved" license.
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Looking forward to UC, numbers & punctuation.
Can't wait to see when it finished...
@meek: Thanks a lot, i really feel honored!
lc c and lc ç are diferent!
Brilliant. Hard to read for text stuff but so what—for eye-(and brain)-catching display, (y'know, just a few words like for a headline), it's a-bunch-of-things-at-once terrific!
ê looks different.
@alek And so is e and ê!
Is ç your alternate c?
This is the font for BrickByBrick!
Matching the Brick by Brick font!
@Fluxxor392 Thats correct. @RYvett (DDDaniel) Not matching. It is :) And i'm still a bit proud.
it's true!!!!
The 1 looks taller than the rest of the number.
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