Fontstructing since | 26th December, 2015 |
Fontstructions | 41 shared, 0 staff picks |
Shared Glyphs | 5706 |
Downloads | 367 downloads made of this designer’s work |
Comments Made | 28 |
The ultimate edition to System 2019.
Mostly seen throughout The Final Minutes' YouTube channel, but retained Hiragana-Katakana symbols.
This is a clone of Unicode 4.5 (Unicode C Beta)Like System Font 10, 12 has alternative proportions of which included some scaling (some approved). 12 is less likely compared to 8, 9, 10 and 18, and is compatible on many devices and OSes.
This is a clone of System Font 10Based on Letter Gothic, System Font 9 is a system font of which is compatible in any other OS.
This is a clone of System Font Pro 2Same for Segoe UI's, this font is used for new LG screen devices.
This is a clone of LG Windows Phone AltThe current clock font used for old LG screen devices.
This is a clone of LG Screen PhoneThis is the new MBTA font originally used in all 4 theme parks (ones with a whiter MBTA origin: Animal Kingdom, Epcot, Disney's Hollywood Studios, Magic Kingdom, etc.). The original MBTA font was later used in a yellow state of origin.
Same as before, but the original Latin accents have not been modified as of yet. More to come soon on the end of this week.
Created on October 16th, 2019; 7:59 P.M..
This is a clone of TelTech 6200 Display MultiThe TelMax 1500 font was recreated in a Digi2 version of TelTech 6200 Display, although all were ineffective to use.
Created on October 16th, 2019; 4:47 P.M..
This is a clone of Mac 7 1600 fontThis Display feature comes with a new package of glyph installments: The International Accented extensions, The IPA extensions, and lastly; The Cyrillic extensions. A new feature comes with its distinctive set of characters following up a new mood set to the Digital Era, entering up a trend of the classic Macintosh 7 font that was being cloned in by Idota Chatrkinsky. Just like the TelTech 6200 Display font, the Multi version is quite international in some parts.
This digitized font usually came in after August 7th, 1902.
This pixelated font was created on September 15th, 2019; 9:20 P.M..
This is a clone of TelTech 6200 Display fontThis version takes back to the classic digital era of cellular and mobile phones from different variants of phone styles. This was very close to other font versions of Mac 7 1600.
The TelTech 6200 Display Bold version of Mac 7 8100 was a regular MacBook trend as it is today, and this version consists of two new symbols: A multiplication sign, and a division sign.
Came in after August 7th, 1902.
This pixelated font was created on September 15th, 2019; 5:45 P.M..
This is a clone of TelTech 6200 Display fontThis version takes back to the classic digital era of cellular and mobile phones from different variants of phone styles. This was very close to other font versions of Mac 7 1600.
The TelTech 6200 Display version of Mac 7 8100 consists of two new symbols: A multiplication sign, and a division sign.
Came in after August 7th, 1902.
This pixelated font was created on September 15th, 2019; 5:28 P.M..
This is a clone of Mac Powered II2! 8100 font