by Sed4tives

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LORD KRUMBLE — A transitional sans that mixed Art-Deco with neo-classical humanist minuscules


Inspired to celebrate the homecoming of him who strikes fear in all badly baked treats, the one which nightmares are made of, that kind of person that makes every cookie crumble and wanna skip school for a day or two. Of course I'm talking about the one and only "Cookielord".
"What could'nt be better suiting than to have a freshly crafted and new font that is celebrating his return."

Him recently dropping a new FontStruction somewhat came as a pretty unexpected but nice surprise. It just so happened to be that I was already looking for new ideas that could lead to the next project. In fact, until recently I was actually still struggling with this, and hadn't really been able to provide a catchy and motivating design theme to bring to the table that would once again help me on my way with starting a new FontStruct project. So I took this occasion to see if I was able to find a little inspiration in his Vermin font . Not particularly aimed at doing a derivative work, nor anything closely resembling his cool font. Instead rather trying to draw some inspiration from that peculiar and playful but friendly characteristic, that to me personally distinguishes his Vermin font the most anyway.


And so I appoligize for the fact that this doens't truly relates or do justice stylistically in any way to the aesthetic present in Cookielord's original Vermin font. That being said, this is what became the end product of that.

But, it does have one striking resemblance that pays a homage to him, and that is the included cookie. Sorry I took a bite out of it my friend, hope you can still appreciate it.

— Just to let you know that regardless wether you decide to stay or not, your recent return isn't going to be for nothing!!


No 'Brick Size' filters were used, which of course presented me with a lot of challenges that limited the amount of complexity I was able to put in, something that wouldn't been the case with (2:2) 'Brick Size' filter settings. The other noteworthy aspect to this particular fontstruct is its grid size, which is tiny. Never before have I made a Fontstruction that required kerning values to fluctuate only as little as 0,01. This also made it impossible to implement optical corrections on the vertical axis in the form of overshoots, but luckily this didn't became a very clear issue in the end.

I'm not sure if I can complete the additional Latin accents for all characters due to the limited grid space available surrounding some of glyphs. I might try doing those later.

Let me know what u think of it so far fella's, stay tuned!



Comment by Sed4tives 23rd march 2023
Comment by Sed4tives 23rd march 2023
Comment by Sed4tives 23rd march 2023
Comment by Sed4tives 23rd march 2023

Mmmm..., tasty! ???

Comment by elmoyenique 23rd march 2023

Oh man, you made me blush really really hard. ( 0_0`)
Thank you so much! I’m happy my little project helped you get your muse back, and I must say the result is beyond amazing! :)

Comment by Cookielord 23rd march 2023

The Art-Deco flavouring, that uppercase “Q” of yours, the subtle touches on the length of horizontal bars on your uppercase “E”, the lowercase “c” and “e”... wow!

Comment by Cookielord 23rd march 2023
Congratulations! FontStruct Staff have deemed your FontStruction worthy of special mention. “STF_LORD KRUMBLE” is now a Top Pick.
Comment by Rob Meek (meek) 24th march 2023

Mucho thanks for the TP Boss..

Comment by Sed4tives 25th march 2023

Wow, I pulled off the Additional Latin accented set, didn't expected it to be fully possible at 1:1 Brick Size filters, but with some small tweaks and rearranging of bricks to achieve the same glyph in a different configuration it somehow worked out.

Comment by Sed4tives 26th march 2023
Comment by Sed4tives 26th march 2023
Comment by Sed4tives 26th march 2023
Comment by Sed4tives 26th march 2023

Can anyone help me with the Asterisk? 

Comment by NWKS405 19th february 2024

I could, but I need a little more information about your font style in order to provide appropriate suggestions. Maybe some extra characters in the sample image would help guide us into the direction of design you're looking for.

You could also check out --> THIS Fontstruct tools set to help getting the shapes you want.

It vastly expands the available bricks right at your disposal...

Comment by Sed4tives 19th february 2024

I actually need some improvement on the plus or minus. I've fixed the "*".

Comment by NWKS405 20th february 2024
Comment by NWKS405 20th february 2024


Comment by Sterling1 20th february 2024


Comment by Sterling1 20th february 2024


Comment by Sterling1 20th february 2024


Comment by Tue, 17th september
Comment by Sed4tives Thu, 19th december
Comment by Sed4tives Thu, 19th december
Comment by Sed4tives Thu, 19th december

That's a wonderful idea, IMHO! This "egyptian" way looks fantastic, very pretty (my only "but" are the rounded shapes on Z and z, you know my point about that). Go on, compa!

Comment by elmoyenique Thu, 19th december

I don't know what it has with Egypt, but the small serifs suit it really well, 10/10.

I also would prefer sharp corners on Z like Elmo, at least at bottom side, or even different diagonal transition (maybe like on 2), so it does not look just like mirrored S.

Comment by Peter (Petruuccio) Thu, 19th december

@Peter (Petruuccio): "I don't know what it has with Egypt"

—Pretty much nothing other than that it refers to a Slab-Serif style.

from Wikipedia:

"Following Napoleon's Egyptian campaign and dissemination of images and descriptions via publications like Description de l'Égypte (1809) an intense cultural fascination with all things Egyptian followed. Suites of contemporary parlor furniture were produced resembling furniture found in tombs. Multicolored woodblock printed wallpaper could make a dining room in Edinburgh or Chicago feel like Luxor. While there was no relationship between Egyptian writing systems and slab serif types, either shrewd marketing or honest confusion led to slab serifs often being called Egyptians. Historian James Mosley has shown that the first typefaces and letters called 'Egyptian' were apparently all sans-serifs."

Comment by Sed4tives Sat, 28th december

So a slab sans serif design?


Comment by Bryndan W. Meyerholt (BWM) Sat, 28th december

Yeah, its kind of a silly story really.

Comment by Sed4tives Sat, 28th december

This reminds me of "Carbon" on Mac, the successor to Chicago -- except condensed. Very, very nice!

Comment by JCIS Sun, 26th january

Making the "Egyptian" style instance for this font proves to be more of a headace than innitially expected.. Besides certain difficulties it also turns out not to be very well suited glyphs to be geared up with this fresh new set of heavy type elements.

But by now I'm ivested too deep, so I do not want to abandon it.

Comment by Sed4tives Mon, 27th january
Comment by Sed4tives Mon, 27th january

The Egyptian character set looks lush and enviable, compa! Please keep it up.

Comment by elmoyenique Mon, 27th january

The Sample is a Serif version if then!

Comment by JeycoMonge Mon, 27th january

@JeycoMonge: Its a preview sample of the new additional style instance for this font that is currently in development.

Comment by Sed4tives Mon, 27th january


Comment by JeycoMonge Tue, 28th january

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