The designer of this FontStruction has chosen not to make it available for download from this website by choosing an “All Rights Reserved" license.
Please respect their decision and desist from requesting license changes in the comments.
If you would like to use the FontStruction for a specific project, you may be able to contact the designer directly about obtaining a license.
The font that is both upright and italic at the same time…
Also, you might want to check the top corner of O and Q, they appear to be slanting when on the other letters, they are not.
I also noticed another one on the 0.
Thanks @BWM, well spotted, I've corrected those.
Quite the well-executed and creative concept~
Another great dive into the pixel font realm. This time with a triade color scheme to create an anaglyph 3D effect.
I must say that it is kind of wearying on the eyes, especially when staring at this non-filtered chromatic opposites for too long. Since there is no polarization filter to make it stereoscopic the brain can not correct the defocus effect that is generated from those color layer off-set.
Do you have any additional practical reason for implementing this technique or was it purely aesthetically?
so cool!
Great effect!
Congrats twice!
Thanks @tortoiseshell, @jirinvk, @Rob Meek, @Yautja, @elmoyenique. Thanks @Sed4tives, it started as another experiment, no plans to use it yet.
I am verry Impressed!
*numberblock vibe kicks in* ArE yOu A sQuArE
and i am talking to four, yes
very strong work, simple idea great result , bravo
cool :3
Spirited away
How to make
Bro how i add Categories?
Oh i know how to add Categories, but HOW i make colored (i put the color tag)
It's soo cool bro but if you enable download it will be cooler😁
+ I'm not asking to change license
@Mohammed . (kilo324ud8555ggdssdf) I'm pretty sure that you need to change the license to enable downloads..
@moontr3 Almost NONE of his fonts are downloadable; there Must be a reason...
@AFontAbove - As I've mentioned before, it's a way of retaining control of distribution.
1. Before this feature was added, non-FontStructors would often upload others' fonts to various "1,000 FREE-FREE-FREE FONTS !!!!" websites. Sadly, the uploader would all too often claim to BE the creator of the font and/or remove the creator/attribution information from the font -- which was against the creator's wishes and copyright claims.
The creator would then have to scour these sites, contact the owner, and make a claim for removal -- all of which takes time and effort for something that was not their doing in the first place.
2. FontStructors may also choose to sell their fonts; a few FontStructors would make an initial font, then upgrade them to a more 'professional' or expanded version. By removing the Download option, the prospective customer could still view the font and test it out prior to contacting the FontStructor to purchase it.
The other alternative was to remove key glyphs to make it a demo font.
3. Still others make and/or use their fonts for personal or commercial purposes, but also want to display them as a form of creative artwork from which others may take inspiration.
Yup, for some creators their Fonstruct gallery is merely a means of simple portfolio.
meanwhile im one of the "you may distribute so that more people get to see it" types. different people different preferences i guess
spotted a mistake in your lowercase C...
Red: Regular
Cyan/Blue: Italic
@18man Thanks, well spotted. I'll change this asap.
I am delighted that some of my colour fonts are included in IdN v29n3: Display + Decorative Typefaces & Lettering Too, alongside typefaces by 34 contributors from around the world.
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