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Fontstructing since | 25th April, 2011 |
Fontstructions | 255 shared, 146 staff picks |
Shared Glyphs | 37169 |
Downloads | 32361 downloads made of this designer’s work |
Comments Made | 1603 |
A nonogram font. Some variation between uppercase/lowercase letters, alternative 2/7 on < >, and an extra Y on ^. I originally made this in a 5x5 grid, but there were too many glyphs with multiple solutions, so I had to remake the whole thing. (You can still see the original style in the small numbers)
This is a cloneInspired by Interfacer. See also Zagato and Zagato Bold.
Looks like the Bauhaus style is trending on FS.
This is a cloneInspired by Interfacer. See also Zagato and Zagato Black.
Looks like the Bauhaus style is trending on FS.
This is a cloneInspired by Interfacer. See also Zagato Bold and Zagato Black.
Looks like the Bauhaus style is trending on FS.
This is a cloneInspired by the shapes of G1 Decoreus. Vertical serifs only (not sure if that makes sense, but seems to work)