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It reminds me of Grand Theft Auto (no, i don't play it... anymore), but I didn't know about Pincoya. Inspiring indeed. Do you think similar diacritics might be possible with this one?
I just have a few problems with this Fontstruction, it seems to be impossible to adjust the letter width feature at 0. If I can´t fix this the font will need a bit of manual
About Letter Width Tool:
I have had the same problem, even though you can type your input in the Filter Tool, in the LWT you can only use the sliders. Maybe it's something really simple like a true or false statement overlooked. I cross my finger on that one.
I noticed that some of the alternates seem to be misplaced ... U and K come to mind.
It works ok.
It seems possible to adjust the Letter Width Tool at 0 (LWT = vertical Baseline); in this case "Underground" would work properly. But everytime I save & quit the Fontstructor the LWT is back at one brick width. Argh!
I don´t know if this was intended to be so or if it´s a bug, but please change it!
I just tested to make sure, and it works for me.
Maybe you have a non-zero global spacing value in Preview > Advanced > Spacing?
Do you have the same problem with other glyphs and other FontStructions?
However, you gave me an idea:
I changed the global spacing to -1 and then adjusted every single character by hand. It works! Yeah.
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