I've remade previous AT Sour Love by adding serifs, it fits better for this 45 degree rotated heart. But as previous one, the downloaded font still has rendering issues despite my attempts, most bricks located at lower serifs change into other brick for some unkown reason. Holes in hearts were removed cause they too have rendering issues when downloaded.
This is a clone of floriitutaAC28Dornach is a town/village in Switzerland where I'm on a family visit right now. It's very quite here, with lovely people who always greet me, asian looking guy, with smile ). The "o" was created not long after LoveComp's announcement, but it's here, in Dornach, with some spare time in my hand, I could finally find consistent development for it. A LoveComp entry #2 that's still in progress, other letters and samples will hopefully come soon. Thanks & Enjoy!
Inspired by a technique used by 12Me21 in 3D Shading.
This collection of joyful hearts ;) is my 3rd entry for the LOVE competition 2016.
This decorative font consists of the UC and LC in bL, some in mL and exL1, plus a few punctuation marks.
Yes, there are 2 different heart types in here :)
An attraction might be those few special heart glyphs arranged on some of the punctuation (etc) spaces: great to embellish your messages. Or use them to decorate gift tags, stickers, jam jar labels, book marks. Or (using special papers) use the font and/or hearts on iron-on designs for t-shirts, hankies, place mats etc. You could even print your own gift wrap for that special person, printing on continuous paper for large presents ;)
The Theban Font as used by Witches with a loving twist, well a heart actually :) UC is with the hearts whilst LC is more traditional, thougth I have added some extra symbols for letters that are not in the original type face.
My 'serious' entry for the LoveComp 2016. The dents and hollows in the lines are intentional, the unevennes is an illustration. Love is not a "simple straight-edged neatly tidied" feeling nor a life-long dream-manufactured perfect experience. Every Love has those swirling and rambling sensations and discoveries as well as some uneven blinks-of-an-eye like those dents and bumps in this font, when things and feelings are more like each person involved: complexity needing learning and understanding, uncertainty requiring thoughtfulness and cooperation to smooth things out. Over the years of learning about each other we discover that those uneven areas are part of Nature's magick called Love. We discover that there is only one person like this unique one we love because of what and how they are ......... The name is Spanish ;)