
by fontcollector

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An ultra bold octagonal font that is as heavy, dark, and angular as its namesake suggests. Incidentally, I know the "black" rhino is actually gray, but so what? :)


Nice work Dan. Would the word spacing benefit from a slight increase? Still worth a 10 tho'.
Comment by p2pnut 26th december 2010
@p2pnut: You were absolutely correct, Ray. I have increased the word spacing of both BlackRhino and WhiteRhino to improve their legibility. Thanks for the suggestion!
Comment by fontcollector 18th january 2011
There was a news report yesterday that the African Black Rhino was just declared officially extinct, due to relentless poaching. It may not have been the prettiest creature on Earth, but I was still sorry to hear that it's gone forever.
Comment by fontcollector 11th november 2011

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