This is my constructed script for the English language. It is derived from characters that appear in several conlangs on Omniglot, most with a few tweaks to make it unique, as well as characters solely of my own creation.
This ding is an international axuiliary language designed for communication between different Dings and Things in the Thing Universe. It has some similarities to This thing (language), mainly with the tones and "D".
I will appreciate comments from others if they leave out a good review.
300th glyph: k̕ʷ
(For sakalt and DaveXD64)
Type the uppercase letters to get letters (IPA):
A = Alifᵘ /æ/ /a/
B = Beḳew /b/
C = Diçeh̄ /tʃ/ /ts/
D = Dalẹ /d/ /ɖ/
E = Ĭʸideh̄ /ɛ/ /ə/ /e/
F = Fạleû /f/ /ɸ/
G = Ǧimẹl /ɡ/
H = Heţ /h/
I = Ijě /i/ /j/ /ɪ/
J = Jhīṃ /dʒ/ /dz/
K = Kap̌h̄ /k/
L = Lamėᵈ /l/
M = Mẹm /m/
N = Nụn /n/ /ŋ/
O = Olọfelĭ /o/ /ɔ/
P = Bef̣ /p/ (rare)
Q = Qŏv /q/
R = Reş /ɾ/ /ɹ/
S = Sīn /s/ /ʃ/
T = Taǩ /t/
U = Ulị /u/ /ʊ/
V = Ve /v/ (rare)
W = Waụ /w/ /u/
X = Ǩah̆ /x/
Y = Yeŭ /y/ /j/
Z = Zaʸîṇ /z/
g = Ǧaịn /ɣ/ (rare)
n = Añʸaṭ /ʌ/
É = Hej̃u /ʔ/ (rare)
Also Type Lowercase Vowels to Get Vowel Signs
@BWM Yes it's like arabic...
Script in use of southwest Bing Chilling texts, during 1808 to 1982. (see inaccurate data survey map)
dʰıːs ɸɑⁿt ıˑʕ jᵘcəːʲɛð iːk' m̥ɛˑɡᵊxɒʳðɔ oɕ ɪⁿʣ mızƭɐw̄æːʘɯ ɡʊqꞎ ɪⁿʣ jʊː smʉˑ ɔ oɕ θuˑ ʁiː ɥ fɶːɴ̥ɜʈɨʋqaʃ əʊ t̪ʙ̥ ɪˑθʘɹ̥ɲ̊ ʒiᵏuː ıˑʕ əʊʔaːɪ əːʉ.
əɣ ıˑʕ ʃǃʍʷʈˡ iːk' ʠɹ̥ʀ ŋʰt jᵘcə.
dʰıːs ɸɑⁿt ıˑʕ ⱱɑuøːɳᵉᶑɤx iːk' 1992.
In words you can understand
This font is used in MegaHard OS and MrGoogleAndUSMWO OS to represent phonetic ideographs in ohio.
It is still in current use.
This font is founded in 1992.
My custom alphabet!
How to use: mainly use uppercase, use lowercase for the other ones!
Letter pronounce: A=æ B=gv C=ʕ̞ D=kf E=ə F=ʃ G=g H=k I=k͡p J=g͡b K=q L=l M=lj N=j O=ɢ P=p Q=b R=ʀ S=s T=z U=ŋ V=v W=f Y=ç Z=ʝ a=ᶣ̃ b= ̼ c= ʲ̴ d=t e=d æ= ̪
More will be added later
I hope you enjoy! Please don't be harsh, it's my first time!
For the native name, use the font and type "JAGaYcdEOE"
How to type in Karawil / Cara mengetik di Karawil
a/vowel holder/pemegang vokal: A
ng: G ny: N sy: S kh: x
The é (eh) in enak is always typed with "E". This word is typed as "AEnk_"
The ê (uh) in enam is always typed with "e". This word is typed as "Aenm_"
To silence a consonant, type "_" after the consonant.
Untuk membungkam konsonan, ketik "_" setelah konsonan.
Diphthong sounds are always written like this: 'ai'→"ay_" 'au'→"aw_"
Bunyi diftong selalu ditulis seperti ini: 'ia'→"iya" 'ua'→"uwa"
Loanwords are written based on their pronunciation rather than spelling.
Kata pinjaman ditulis berdasarkan pengucapannya, bukan ejaannya.
'violet'→"fayolet_" 'quince'→"kuwins_" 'bobux'→"bow_bak_s_"
List of Karawil letters:
AbcdfgGhjklmnNprsStwxyz iEeou _
Semua orang dilahirkan merdeka dan mempunyai martabat dan hak-hak yang sama. Mereka dikaruniai akal dan hati nurani dan hendaknya bergaul satu sama lain dalam semangat persaudaraan.
semuA orG dilhir_kn_ mer_dEk dn_ mem_puNy_ mr_tbt_ dn_ hk_-hk_ yG_ sm. MerEk dikruniyay_ Akl_ dn_ hti nurni dn_ hEn_dk_N ber_gAul_ stu sm ly_n_ dlm_ semGt_ per_sw_drn_
Karawil dibuat oleh Ilyas Karim
krwil_ dibuwt_ AolEh_ Ail_ys_ krim_