Still not being worked on. Making a revamp, which will be private, until finished.
Don’t feel like people knowing it anymore.
Inspired by the "Get the world's leading font editor for OSX" thing at the bottom. I took the G from that and made a font out of it.
Not for the NumbersComp. If it was, this would be my third submission.
Lowercase letters are the same as the capitals.
...I could probably improve У a bit. If you have any suggestions, let me know in the comments. Thanks!
If you have suggestions for other letters, let me know those as well.
Supports English, Spanish, Kakaluʒi, Ukrainian, and Russian fully.
This is my new font, PixelBytes!
Fantasy font created for glyphic alphabet, each letter (except for numbers) intended to be drawn with one stroke. Meant as means of communication for draconic creatures, but can be adapted to spice up any writing meant to be cryptic.
Finished! (Took me 3 days)
Private use characters are encoded in Variation Selectors and Latin Ext. D.
(Inspied by The TI-92 Font)
Obviously this is just a pixelized form, if anyone would like to make a smoothed out version, be my guest, and let me know when you finish!
This is a phonemic alphabet, although it does not account for glottal stops, etc.
[pP] = pig
[bB] = big
[f] = fine
[v] = vine
[F] = thin
[V] = then
[T] = bats
[s] = bass
[z] = is
[t] = ten
[dD] = den
[cC] = witch
[S] = wish
[j] = verge
[Z] = version
[kK] = cot
[gG] = got
[mM] = might
[n] = night
[lL] = gall
[N] = gong
[hH] = hello
[e] - bet
[A] - bait
[o] - bought
[a] - bat
[i] - bit
[O] - boat
[u] - but
[E] - beet
[U] - boot
[r] - burn
[I] - bite
[W] - bear
[R] - bar
[Q] - bow
[w] - bore
This is a code I invented.
Many of the capital letters are redundant to the lowercase equivalent:
To type a standard letter, the keys are:
Some letters or letter combinations can be written as accents over other letters (meaning never use these at the beginning of a word) to save space:
"e" = e; "h" = h; "he" = T; "ly" = L; "n" = n;
"r" = r; "s" = s; "ing" = G; "es" = X;
There are a few special rules:
-the 'r' accent can represent "er" but only at the end of a word
-o + [a,i,or u] can be written as one character:
"ou" = oU; "oa" = oA; "oi" = oI;
-the above rule also applies to "qu", which can be typed as qU;
-if a letter would be doubled, an accent is written under it to save space: "tt" = t`; "oo" = o`; etc.
-if an accent would be doubled, an accent is written under its base letter to save space: "inn" = in~; "bee" = be~; etc.
Only one accent can be below a character and one above. If any conflict, write the word in the most efficient way possible without any conflicts. If there is more than one equally efficient way to write a word, follow these rules:
-"e" has precedence - "ben" would be written beN, not bEn
-if ^ does not solve, just write the first letter as an accent rather than the second - "cans" would be canS, not caNs
-if there is a double [e,r,s,or n], only use ` or ~ to show it: never write "bee" as beE, only be~; never write "knee" as kNeE, only knE`;
if anyoNe finds a word that bReaks tT above RulX, let me know. also, fe~l frE` to cloNe tT font and make a Non-pixelized veRsion of it. if yoU do, let me know!